Those who used Raspberry Leaf Tea


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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Hey ladies
i know there has been other threads on the subject of raspberry leaf tea but everyone seems to have different opnions on it.
Ok here are a few questions i need answered:

1. At how many weeks did you start taking it?
2. Did you take the teabags or the capsules?
3. how much/often did you take it?
4. Did you go overdue?
5. Do you think it did help with the second stage of labour?
and finally:
6. Whats your general opinion of taking it (is it worth it or not)?

1. At how many weeks did you start taking it? - At 36 ish
2. Did you take the teabags or the capsules? - Capsules
3. how much/often did you take it? - Every day.
4. Did you go overdue? - Yes, induction after 6 days.
5. Do you think it did help with the second stage of labour? - Big fat no!!
and finally:
6. Whats your general opinion of taking it (is it worth it or not)? Not worth the money, bubs will come when he/she's ready, (they release a hormone to kick start things, so i've been told!)
I mainlined this stuff from 34 weeks. It tasted grim but I still necked 5 cups a day.

I went overdue, pushed for ages and was cut, so no it didn't work for me! :lol:

Still, others love it and what have you got to lose??
1. At how many weeks did you start taking it? 36wks
2. Did you take the teabags or the capsules? tea bags
3. how much/often did you take it? 3 cups a day
4. Did you go overdue? yes 8days
5. Do you think it did help with the second stage of labour? can't remember lol
and finally:
6. Whats your general opinion of taking it (is it worth it or not)? i found it horrible :rotfl:
Hi hun

1. At how many weeks did you start taking it? about 34 I think
2. Did you take the teabags or the capsules? teabags
3. how much/often did you take it? I started on one then increased to 2 a day
4. Did you go overdue? Nope - went into labour a week early
5. Do you think it did help with the second stage of labour? hard to tell. Took about an hour and a half but didn't have any complications, didn't tear/wasn't cut, just a small graze and Maddie was happier during the pushing phase than she had been throughout stage 1
and finally:
6. Whats your general opinion of taking it (is it worth it or not)? well it's a nice enough drink (I think I'm a bit weird as nobody else seems to think so!) so no harm in it - and lots of people say it helps condition the uterus so why not?? I'll be buying more this time around.

. At how many weeks did you start taking it? 36
2. Did you take the teabags or the capsules? Tea
3. how much/often did you take it? 4 times a day
4. Did you go overdue? 11 days and was induced
5. Do you think it did help with the second stage of labour? No! I pushed for 4 hours.
and finally:
6. Whats your general opinion of taking it (is it worth it or not)? Made me feel like i was doing something to help and thats about it.
wanna edit my bit on the did it help the secnd stage NOOOOOOOOOOOO it didn't was in labour for 37 HOURS!!!!!! sorry was thinking when i was typing lol :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I never bothered with raspberry leaf tea and I was only 2 days overdue and had a real quick second stage!!

I was advised NOT to take it by my MW as they hadnt proved whether it worked or I didnt but its personal choice. I was obviously ok with out it
ooo i loved the tea in the eveing i started at about 36 weeks but i dont think it made a difference but i loved the tast the tea wasnt too expensive either.
1. At how many weeks did you start taking it? 35
2. Did you take the teabags or the capsules? capsules but i made tea from them because they are stronger than the teabags
3. how much/often did you take it? 3-4 cups a day
4. Did you go overdue? four days
5. Do you think it did help with the second stage of labour? well i had to be cut and we had scary moment where Thea's heart rate was dropping because she wasnt moving with the contractions so really i dont know
and finally:
6. Whats your general opinion of taking it (is it worth it or not)? It tastes ok and it might work so what have you got to lose is the way i look at it.
i strated about 35 weeks, took tea then decided to take the tablets, went 9 days early, and i pushed him out in 20 mins, i think they did work XkelX
1. At how many weeks did you start taking it? 35
2. Did you take the teabags or the capsules? tried both
3. how much/often did you take it? 3 times a day
4. Did you go overdue? yes 1 day
5. Do you think it did help with the second stage of labour? was in labour 4 38 hours but hop[e was posterier, pushed for half an hour and no tear and she was 9lb 8
and finally:
6. Whats your general opinion of taking it (is it worth it or not)? i think it helped a bit
1. At how many weeks did you start taking it? 34
2. Did you take the teabags or the capsules? teabags
3. how much/often did you take it? 1 a day(but i did miss a few)
4. Did you go overdue? i was induced at 37 weeks
5. Do you think it did help with the second stage of labour?
and finally: when the did thefirst exam mycervix was a lot more fav than they would expect for 37 weeks, and 1cm dilated
6. Whats your general opinion of taking it (is it worth it or not)?
i got sick of the taste in the end, but i would do it again (maybe the capsules though
it worked for me!!!

what you have to remember is that raspberry tea or anything for that matter does not make baby come early. Baby will always ome when its ready, But it does prime your womb to be more efficient inthe 2nd stage of labour.
So making it quicker
1. At how many weeks did you start taking it? 36wks
2. Did you take the teabags or the capsules? capsules but emptied into water so like a tea.
3. how much/often did you take it? 3 cups a day
4. Did you go overdue? yes induced after 8days due to high blood pressure so who knows until when otherwise!!
5. Do you think it did help with the second stage of labour? I pushed for 2 hours and then had forceps and ventouse and ended up with third degree tearing.
and finally:
6. Whats your general opinion of taking it (is it worth it or not)? not worlth the money to be honest.

Thanks for all the replies ladies :hug: .
I got some (200 :oops: !) today from holland and barrets, which i thought were the capsules but where actually the tablets (she said they were stronger though :roll: ) i guess it doesnt matter as long as im taking some form of it.
As im still only 31 weeks im going to wait until my 32 week checkup on 1st feb and ask my midwife if/when it would be ok for me to take them. :D
1. At how many weeks did you start taking it? 34
2. Did you take the teabags or the capsules? both
3. how much/often did you take it? 2 a day
4. Did you go overdue? nope 2 days before due date
5. Do you think it did help with the second stage of labour? i pushed Jakob out in under 10 mins :D
6. Whats your general opinion of taking it (is it worth it or not)?
not sure if it was the tea that helped the 2nd stage or just me but id take it again, its easy to take the capsules :)

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