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Those who bottle feed - who / why / how do you find it ??


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2008
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After 4 weeks of breastfeeding and night supplementation with formula, I have decided that I am going to now exclusively bottle / formula feed my little one. This isnt a decision ive made lightly so please dont tell me that i'm doing wrong / am a bad mother, etc etc, as i do have my own very valid reasons. One of which is that Josh is always still hungry after he's drained my boobs and it was upsetting me and him, and having such low iron levels myself, it has really been exhausting me and wearing me down.

Yesterday was my first day of feeding more formula and you know what ....... Josh slept through the night from 10pm - 6am :shock: I must say it was pure bliss !

Anyway, my questions for those of you who exclusively bottle / formula feed are .......

1) Why did you decided to bottle feed?
2) If you started with breastfeeding, how did you stop ?
3) How did you reduce your milk supply so you weren't too engorged?
4) How much do your little ones take each feed and how often ?
5) How did others treat your decision? Family, friends, heath visitors ??
6) How did you feel about it and how do you stop feeling so guilty?

Any kind words of wisdom, hints and tips or just support would be very much appreciated right now girls :(

I started to mix feed from 3.5 months and went to formula compltley at 4 months. I'll answer your questions from my point of view-

1) Why did you decided to bottle feed?
I started college and expressing at breaks and lunch was getting to me and I wasn't enjoying anything due to this. I also found if I didn't express my supply was affected so it would be a strggle trying to build that back up so it was a constant struggle.

2) If you started with breastfeeding, how did you stop ?
I started to mix feed over a few weeks until I eventually was just giving the early morning feed. He then strted sleeping throught the night so dropped that feed. No engorgement this way and my milk dried up really quickly.

3) How did you reduce your milk supply so you weren't too engorged?
As above ^^^^^

4) How much do your little ones take each feed and how often ?
He was taking 7oz bottles at 4 months. He had 4 of them in a day. Then went up to 8oz 4x a day until we started to introduce solids.

5) How did others treat your decision? Family, friends, heath visitors ??
My HV doesn't know. Everyone else was completley supportive. In fact no one really batted an eyelid.

6) How did you feel about it and how do you stop feeling so guilty?
Still a bit guilty at times. Liberated as I can go out and not worry about feeds etc. Overall happy that it was the right decision for me.



ETA- You did really well to get to 4 weeks, go you! :cheer:
Hiya hun,

Firstly dont feel like people on here will judge you or try and make you carry on. When i stopped i considered leaving the site as i thought people would think i was being silly yet the support i have had has been great.

1) Why did you decided to bottle feed? I had an emergency c section and it took a while for my milk to come in. Ollie was on me constantly and if he unlatched i couldnt move to get him back on right. The nurses were very patient but there were times i just thought it easier to let him keep sucking even though the pain was awful. My nipples ended up a mess and he was throwing up lots of blood. I used formula so my nips would heal (after trying nipple shields etc) but when i tried him back on the breast he had the nipple confusion thing. Decided to stick with formula.

2) If you started with breastfeeding, how did you stop ? My milk had only just come in when i stopped i had to self express in the shower but then the midwife said to just leave them as it will be telling my boobs to carry on producing milk.

3) How did you reduce your milk supply so you weren't too engorged? as above.. in the shower.

4) How much do your little ones take each feed and how often ? He is now taking 6oz every 3 hours (does leave some) and has one night feed.

5) How did others treat your decision? Family, friends, heath visitors ?? They were brilliant and everyone was soo supportive. Not one person has said anything bad and most will always say "at least you tried".

6) How did you feel about it and how do you stop feeling so guilty? I think everyone who has read my posts on here will know i felt bloody awful about it. I really did beat myself up about it and the guilt was awful (especially when ollie would be rooting for it.. thats what i found the worse) I think i cried on every hv, midwife, doc, friend and family member. As soon as the B word was mentioned i'd just cry! It became a standing joke in the end and id go out with a tissue! I am gradually feeling better now my milk has dried up and ollie no longer roots for the boob but i could still cry about it if i didnt stop myself. :cry:

Do whatever you feel is right hun.. you should be proud of yourself for doing as much as you have.. :clap:

Claire x
1) Why did you decided to bottle feed?

Because I'd developed PND mainly. I had trouble bonding with Ella and didn't want alot to do with her. There were other reasons, but I can't remember what they were..When I look back on that time it's very hazy :S

2) If you started with breastfeeding, how did you stop ?

Just stopped..

3) How did you reduce your milk supply so you weren't too engorged?

I didn't seem to have a problem with engorgment.

4) How much do your little ones take each feed and how often ?

I stopped breastfeeding at 6 weeks, Ella had 3-4oz every 4 hours

5) How did others treat your decision? Family, friends, heath visitors ??

Everyone was happy, my OH was disappointed because he wanted Ella to get the goodness of breastmilk but he enjoyed feeding her and still does.

6) How did you feel about it and how do you stop feeling so guilty?

I felt guilty for a long time afterwards because of the depression, I felt like I failed her and so on. But she's thrived on formula, she's a happy and healthy girl..the same as she would be if she was breastfed. As soon as I got over the PND I realised just because you don't breastfeed it doesn't make you a bad Mum..I don't think mine and Ella's relationship would have been any different if I had breastfed for longer, TBH.

Nobody on here will judge you for deciding to exclusively FF :hug: You have to do what's best for you and your LO.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

1) Why did you decided to bottle feed?
Fi didn't latch for 2 days, then my nipples were so flat that she couldn't stay on, then my nipples bled lots and then I got mastitus and I was so ill I decided enough was enough!

2) If you started with breastfeeding, how did you stop ?
I stopped in one go due to mastitus and being on anti-biotics

3) How did you reduce your milk supply so you weren't too engorged?
I didn't! But maybe just express a little bit to ease engorgement - you can always feed that to bubs

4) How much do your little ones take each feed and how often ?
Hmmm, it varied so much! She was a little and often girl! We had bottles made up to 120ml but sometimes she'd only take 60ml in the 2 hours that the bottle was fresh.

5) How did others treat your decision? Family, friends, heath visitors ??
No different! My mum said she could see how much happier I was :)

6) How did you feel about it and how do you stop feeling so guilty
I don't. It turned out Fi was lactose intolerant and needed soya anyway but tbh i would have always gone on to formula. It made me able to bond with my daughter and so I feel no guilt :) It has made me more aware of bf-ing and with the next one (if/when) then i'll try it again and i'll be armed with tips and advice :)
thanks guys
Well Josh seems more than happy and as he's having a full feed each time he actually stays awake for a couple of hours without grizzling ! I'm sure he was still hungry when i was BF but it seemed like i was constantly being milked !!! I've had a lovely day with him so far :D
I have had to express twice so far due to engorgement but only 3oz each time - think i'll try and reduce this slowly

Its good to hear from you other mums and your experiences - it does make me feel better and thankfully my DH and parents are very supportive and think FF will suit us better, especially as i go back to work anyway in March ....... i'm just dreading the HV's opinion now :( (even though she just didnt turn up today :x )
1) Why did you decided to bottle feed?
Because bfing just wasn;t geling with me, I had a c sect and was pretty clueless on everything, in pain, he wouldn't latch properly on his own, everyone else got in in hospital except me, i felt like a failure, kept trying at home but was finding it frustrating and just felt like a rubbish parent tbh...

2) If you started with breastfeeding, how did you stop ?
It was only on and off, expressed when I became engorged gave that to Hay and then just stopped.
3) How did you reduce your milk supply so you weren't too engorged?
As above.
4) How much do your little ones take each feed and how often ?
He now takes 6oz about every 3.5-4hours
5) How did others treat your decision? Family, friends, heath visitors ?? Fine no problems.
6) How did you feel about it and how do you stop feeling so guilty? To start with I felt very sad, and still felt like I was failing but with OH being able to help and me gaining confidence without looking back I feel completly fine about it but will still try it again with the next as I feel a bit more clued up

Any kind words of wisdom, hints and tips or just support would be very much appreciated right now girls :([/quote]
I hope no one would tell you you are a bad mother! Not feeding your child, that would make you a bad mother. Deciding that you need to feed your baby in a certain way does not make you a bad mother :hug:

DD never managed to breastfeed so I expressed for a very long time. She exclusively had expressed breastmilk until 5 months when I decided to give one bottle of formula a day to reduce the time I spent expressing. We gradually reduced the breastmilk feeds until nearly 8 months when as my Christmas present to myself I stopped expressing. She still gets one bottle of expressed breast milk a day from the supply in the freezer.

So to answer your questions:
1) Why did you decided to bottle feed?
I had severe pelvic problems and the midwife told me I had to sit up straight to feed and should go to the hospital clinic for breastfeeding advice. The pain of sitting up straight was too much and it was 5 weeks before I was physically able to get to the hospital. My midwife was speaking rubbish and next time I would call to get a supportive breastfeeding advice person. When we went at 5 weeks they got us sorted no problem but by that point she was used to the bottle and to be honest, I didn't like breastfeeding. I was used to expressing at that point so I continued.
I decided to stop expressing a month after I returned to work as I hated expressing and I decided I had given it my best shot and done better than most (I don't say this to make you feel bad, just to explain my thinking :hug: ) and I just decided to put myself first. I know that's a horrible thing for a mummy to do but it's what I did.

2) If you started with breastfeeding, how did you stop ?
Before 5 months I was expressing all 6 of her feeds - over a litre. At 5 months I dropped a feed and expressed 5 feeds. At 6 months I dropped to expressing 4 feeds. At 7 months I dropped to 2 feeds and 3 weeks later decided to stop completely.

3) How did you reduce your milk supply so you weren't too engorged?
By stopping gradually. Also I became pregnant and my supply halved, my breasts were sore and it was horrible. I had a m/c and put in the time to build my supply a little but not back to what it was (hence dropping 2 feeds at 7 months)

4) How much do your little ones take each feed and how often ?
Since around 5 weeks she took 5x 6oz bottles a day and one 8/9oz. But that was breastmilk, she has been taking less on formula. We still make up the same amount and throw away the rest.

5) How did others treat your decision? Family, friends, heath visitors ??
Generally that I was crazy to express so much. But as my baby is in cloth nappies, we use proper carriers, my favourites being wraps and we generally revolve ourselves around nurturing the baby rather than making her fit our lives their opinion that it was crazy was part of a package deal of things I did that they didn't understand. People saw moving to formula as the sane option - my parents had been trying to convince me for months, especially after I decided to decline their offer of taking as on holiday abroad as with all the expressing, storing milk etc. it just seemed like too much stress.

6) How did you feel about it and how do you stop feeling so guilty?
I'm OK. I feel jealous every time I see someone breastfeed but I can deal with that. Guilt is a very person thing - if DD gets ill I will feel guilty for not breastfeeding her but while she is healthy it's fine. She got her first cold not that long ago and I do think the reason is because she wasn't getting breastmilk (I thought OH was still giving her a bottle a day from the freezer and he wasn't at the time, I don't know why). I am sure that breastmilk helped her to stay healthy. If you are feeling guilty every day then you have to find your own way to deal with it. For me that was expressing all her milk. For you that may just be taking a moment to realise how much more happy you are when not breastfeeding.

Is he still sleeping through the night? Lucky you if he is - DD has only ever managed that twice :lol: Though she does go to bed by 7.30 and get up between 8.30 and 10.30, it's just she wants fed a few times in between. So if you think that is the effect of formula that's aiding sleep then maybe thinking of that will make you feel better.

We all know that breast milk is best for baby - that's why you feel guilty. But there does come a point when you have to put yourself before baby - if your lack of iron and breastfeeding causes you so much distress that you are not able to be there for him as his mummy then you need to balance that and decide what is best for your family. Formula isn't poison, it's just milk from another species that has been fortified with things. My brother only ever had formula and he is a sporty fit doctor! When we were babies the idea was that you breastfed for 6 weeks at the most then went on to formula.

Now, what you haven't asked are the advantages! You can feed on a bus, you can get OH to do a feed while you sleep, you can go out and do something, confidently leaving LO with someone else without worrying that you have to be back in a few hours. You don't have to stress about whether they are getting enough because you know how much they have.

As a heads up, Heinz Nurture stinks and makes poos from the Bog of Eternal Stench!
Steelgoddess said:
Any kind words of wisdom, hints and tips or just support would be very much appreciated right now girls :(

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

1) Why did you decided to bottle feed?
I used to express everything for Ivy and it knackered me, I couldn't feed her from the breast so expressing was the next best thing. It was such a relief for me when I decided enough was enough it was upsetting me, I was getting more and more tired and I wanted to forget about the pregnancy, I realized the way I was acting just wasn't helping myself, my OH or Ivy I was constantly in tears worrying about my supply and I got mastitus which finnished me off it was so painful. Soon as I got a tin of milk I just felt relieved because so much pressure has been lifted. I will always try again with my next baby, I think If I got Ivy to latch then things would of been okay but it just wouldn't work and expressing all the time just affected me so much.

2) If you started with breastfeeding, how did you stop ?
I started only expressing in the morning and just before I went to bed, the supply soon went but the first couple of days were very uncomfortable.

3) How did you reduce your milk supply so you weren't too engorged?

4) How much do your little ones take each feed and how often ?
About 6oz every 4 or so hours sometimes she will only take about 20oz in a day, we just go by how hungry she is each day theres no real telling.

5) How did others treat your decision? Family, friends, heath visitors ??
Yeh they were all okay I think my mum was a bit disappointed but I think she also understood that it wasn't a easy choice to give up.

6) How did you feel about it and how do you stop feeling so guilty? Although it was a huge relief to me I also felt a bit sad about it. But really now when I look back and think about how it was affecting me then I am happy with my decision.
1) Why did you decided to bottle feed?
Had an emergency section, James couldn't latch on, every midwife in the hospital tried and tried to help (never had my boobs manhandled so much in my life!). We left the hospital with formula but I kept trying to breastfeed, got to 6 weeks and James was losing weight, so made the decision to give up. He also had reflux so that made things hard too.

2) If you started with breastfeeding, how did you stop ?
Just stopped overnight - very silly, don't do it!!

3) How did you reduce your milk supply so you weren't too engorged?
See above, I didn't so had three days of agony with engorgement!

4) How much do your little ones take each feed and how often ?
James isn't and never has been keen on milk. when he was little it was about 4 oz every 3 hours.

5) How did others treat your decision? Family, friends, heath visitors ??
Very supportive! My HV said she was really proud of me for keeping going so long. My mum was unable to bf all three of us so very supportive. my OH hated seeing both of us so upset so I think he was very relieved when I stopped

6) How did you feel about it and how do you stop feeling so guilty?
I felt awful that something so natural couldn't work for us. I think all the antenatal stuff we were told about bfing never explained how hard it could be and my local NCT bf counsellor was really unhelpful. I still feel guilty now, but happy baby = happy mummy and James was so much better on formula. Please don't feel bad or think people are judging you. We all have our own valid reasons for our parenting decisions!
1) Why did you decided to bottle feed?
Because I have horrendous breast engorgement and despite getting all sorts of help, my breasts would not co-operate, and were too hard and swollen to feed my son :( I spent hours trying to get them to behave, and did everything I was told might help, but alas the engorgement is still dreadful and I am now trying to stop my milk supply!!

2) If you started with breastfeeding, how did you stop ?
Just switched to bottles straight away as had no choice - my baby was starving and my boobs were not working!

3) How did you reduce your milk supply so you weren't too engorged?
I am wearing a very tight bra, and only take it off for a shower! My MW tells me this will work but might take a few days!

4) How much do your little ones take each feed and how often ?
He is a hungry baby, and feeds every 2-4 hours depending on the time of day and generally polishes off 100ml each time!

5) How did others treat your decision? Family, friends, heath visitors ??
Everyone has been very sympathetic as know how upset I am, and how hard I tried to make it work!

6) How did you feel about it and how do you stop feeling so guilty?
I feel crap about it, and spent the last 2 days crying - but keep telling myself I have a wonderful and healthy baby, who is loving his bottles - and thats the most important thing to me and helps me deal with the situation!
aw thanks so much girld, it helps to know i'm not alone and Kalla, thanks for giving me the positives

Well we stocked up on bottles and it been going wel. Josh has betwen 4-6oz every 4 hours :shock: He is one hungry baby !!
Weve not had the whole night of sleep again BUT he only woke once last night at 2am for 4oz which was great - i am quite happy with that and the sleep has made me feel better about everything.

Mum and dad looked after Josh last night while we went food shopping and they really enjoyed being a part of his feeding regime and was a nice break for me. My boobs have been so painful as i tried to just stop so now i'm expressing 2-3 times a day, just a couple of oz each time to releive the pain. I also got some gel pads that you put in the fridge then into your bra and they have really help reduce the swelling - i'd really recommend them !

Finally, the HV came today and asked if i was still BF and i told her i'd decided to stop - she was very supportive and said ive done well to do 4 weeks with how anemic ive been and with the latching problems i had in hospital. Made me feel much more at ease.

And you know what i am really enjoying about bottle feeding ........ the way Josh stares at me with those big eyes whilst he's feeding :)
1) Why did you decided to bottle feed?

I ended up with no choice , leland was prem , had no sucking action , was tongue tied , had reflux and i dont have great nipples , he couldnt latch on , we tried nipples shields the works but by 3 weeks and after a case of mastitus my milk dried up ( i had been trying to express all his feeds previously)

2) If you started with breastfeeding, how did you stop ?

i never only breastfeed due to the problems above , my milk dried up and i could no longer express more then an oz so just stopped trying :(

3) How did you reduce your milk supply so you weren't too engorged?

it did it on its own

4) How much do your little ones take each feed and how often ?

god , this is hard to remember ! he started off on 1 oz when born every 3 hours lmao then it just increased and increased everytime he would finish all of his bottles a few times i would then up his bottle by 1 oz

5) How did others treat your decision? Family, friends, heath visitors ??

my mum was fine , HV agreed when i had to stop trying it just wasnt happening and for my health and sanity i had to stop trying .

6) How did you feel about it and how do you stop feeling so guilty?

i dont think i will ever completely not feel guilty but im hvaing counselling for pnd now and i realise it wasnt my fault and alot of things contributed to him not bfing , but im still half at the point i blame myself for him being prem etc too and i always think could i have tried harder even tho at the time i tried my best ( literally use to put him on boob , then given him expressed or forumla , then i would have to express so it wasnt easy !) .
1) Why did you decided to bottle feed?

I was exausted with breastfeeding. It seemed constant and I felt stuck to the settee and couldn't play with Nathan because of it.

2) If you started with breastfeeding, how did you stop ?

I gradually dropped feeds and started giving more and more bottles until he was compleatly bottle fed.

3) How did you reduce your milk supply so you weren't too engorged?

As above ^ I never got engorged because I stopped gradually and my milk dried up really quick.

4) How much do your little ones take each feed and how often ?

Erm, I can't remember how much he took back then. I stopped breastfeeding at 3 months and I think he was having 6/7oz bottles then every 4 hours.

5) How did others treat your decision? Family, friends, heath visitors ??

They were all fine and said I done well.

6) How did you feel about it and how do you stop feeling so guilty?

I was gutted that I couldn't breastfeed for longer but relised that Kieran was very happy with his bottles and that he's healthy and it also meant I could play with Nathan more.
1) Why did you decided to bottle feed?
I attempted to breastfeed for 3 days and hated every second of it, I dreaded her waking up as I couldn't face the pain of breastfeeding coupled with the pain of trying to find a comfortable position as I was so sore from the birth.
2) If you started with breastfeeding, how did you stop ?
I just stopped
3) How did you reduce your milk supply so you weren't too engorged?
I didn't and I was engorged for about 3 days I think
4) How much do your little ones take each feed and how often ?
I think about 3 oz to begin with, moving up quickly! By 12 weeks she was on 8oz every 4 hours during the day!
5) How did others treat your decision? Family, friends, heath visitors ??
Everyone was very supportive as I had made my decision and I was confident about it being the right one. Anyone who had disapproved would have got a mouthful! I had one disapproving tone from a MW but that was it.
6) How did you feel about it and how do you stop feeling so guilty?
I felt fine as I knew it was the right decision for us, I can honestly say that I have never felt guilty as Ella has thrived on formula and we bonded far more over a bottle than we ever would have breastfeeding

I am glad that it us going well and that everyone is being supportive.

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