I don't want to put you off combination feeding but I have decided that I won't ever try it again with any other children that I hopefully have.
Lizzie took about 3-4 weeks to learn how to latch on properly and we found BFing quite hard, even though I was desperate to persevere. Think we got to about 6 weeks and she had her first bottle - she had a bottle maybe once every couple of days? Not a lot anyway. BUT at 3 months she went through a nursing strike and I couldn't get her to BF for 6 hours (which was worrying as I was used to feeding her every hour!) so gave her a couple of bottles.
It got worse and worse and got to the point where I could only BF lying down or walking around the room with her under my arm. Obviously couldn't do this in public so started expressing and giving her breastmilk in bottles when we went out.
At this point it wasn't too bad as we were using Medela Calma bottles and Lizzie would go back to the boob - especially when she was tired - I would usually feed her whilst she was asleep (at the end of her naps).
But then it got to the stage where I didn't really have enough milk to express enough feeds AND breastfeed at the same time so I decided to just express all her feeds (except night time ones). This was HELL and I will never ever do it again. I was expressing for half an hour at a time, every 2 hours. Lizzie recognised the expressing equipment by this point and so would scream for milk when she saw it, which led to her being shoved in front of the telly while I sat there being 'milked'
The last straw was when we were on holiday and I was going back to the hotel room every 2 hours so couldn't join in with anything. When we got home I gave up completely (except for a couple of last night breastfeeds) and went on to formula.
So all in all, Lizzie got breastmilk exclusively for the first 6 months of her life but it was extremely stressful and I feel it wasted a lot of time that I could've been playing with her etc, rather than stuck on a pump.
While I feel glad she got the 'goodness', if I have the same problems with another child in the future, I won't hesitate to go onto bottles.
People may shoot me down for this comment, but I absolutely LOVE bottlefeeding. I love being able to look at Lizzie's face while I feed, and I love the 'convenience' of it all - I didn't particularly like BFing in public.
Sorry if this reply worries you at all, it was just my experience and I think probably the worst case scenario!
Whatever you do, don't feel any guilt for whatever you decide. I think the only reason I put myself through all the expressing was because of the guilt (and all this 'formula is bad' stuff midwives drum into you), and I wish I had just realised I wasn't really giving Lizzie the best because I was so unhappy and stressed with it.
Good luck hun