this is probably stupid but oh well!!


Active Member
Sep 21, 2006
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this is probably nothing to be worried about but my bf is bugging me!! its october and well my af didnt come on the day it ALWAYS comes on and last month i got a - so i dunno! i keep tellin him that it was - and he is still tellin me we could still be!! i dunno wat to tell him!! :|
You can get a negative on the day your period is due and still get a positive 2 weeks later, depends when you ovulate. Could just be the stress that's got to you which is why your AF is late. At 15 my periods were all over the place which is part of the reason why I was on the pill.
If your BF is that worried he'll just have to buy you another test!!
i didnt take it when i was supposed to get my period i took the test on September 25 2006! so yea! and i havent been stressed been home almost all month! so life is good right now! no stress!
Not general stress hun, i
f you are paranoid about your periods not arriving then it can delay it, i have just been a week and half late on my period so i know that it happens due to being worried/paranoid about AF starting.

Try and put it to the back of your mind and see if that helps.
hun i knew i was pregnant beginning of May but didnt get a faint positive until near the end of June.
im not going to think about it! thats wat iwas going to do but with my bf sayin he thinks i still maybe pregnant its kinda hard!! i keep tallin him over and over that i am not pregnant cause it came back negative!!
my sisters period is 2 months late and she keeps getting negatives! id go to your doctors if i was you! :roll:
A friend of mine had this, didn't have a period for yonks and it was apparently an imbalance of testosterone (or something). I would go and see your Dr if you are worried.
id say age was maybe a factor too.
are you only 15 babygurl? If so your periods maybe slightyl irregular anyway.

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