This is going to sound sooooo silly :(


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2010
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right ok! sorry in advance am never one to watch the cycles or anything :( which is why am probably in this mess in the first place i was just wondering if people can maybe help me!

my last period was the weekend of the 14th august which my ovulation dates where 28th , 29th , 30th - sooooo i had intercourse with my ex partner on all of them days! now my nex period was due around the 11th of september that week i had light watery blood for 2 days max going from that to brown! then it stopped then that saturday i had brown pinkish discharge at the start of the bleeding i had a positive test then since then negative! :/

so really i dont get this ovulation thing at all! if i ovualted on them days 28th 29th 30th an had intercourse then 2 weeks later i had slight bleeding do i have to wait for my next ovulation to come to see if iam pregnant this is really silly i know :(

thanks in advance! x
My opinion is that you had a chemical pregnancy with the positive test then the bleeding and then negative test and that your period arrived...i was in a simular situation a few month back apart from my positives lasted weeks after the bleeding. Maybe go to the doctors hun and tell them? x
Its ok hun go to the doctors just to be sure though eh. Im sure you will get ur bfp soon xx
not at all not compared to my period my period is very deep red an this was like watery pinkish then went to brown then stopped an got like a brownish sticky stuff! but ive not passed any clots or anything :/ an not had alot of pain just the light cramps! but am gettin nothing back all negative! :(
mmm well maybe ur pee wasnt strong enough? dont want to get your hopes up or bring them down but if you get a blood test it would be more accurate xx
well am going to re test in a week so if nothing then ill go to the doctors i think! xx

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