I'm confused, am i pregnant?


Feb 25, 2011
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My last proper period i think started on the 29th december. We have been trying to conceive for a few months and my next period was due to start on the 26th january. But on the 18th January i had brown spotting that i only noticed once, and i was two days late for my period. I started bleeding on the 28th and was lighter than my normal period and wasnt as painful. (Maybe breakthrough - heard it can be like a period)

I have been experiencing heartburn and nausea (most at night), tender boobs (on and off, have bloating, my waist has become thicker, slightly swollen boobs and stretch marks on my inner thighs (maybe providing fat for the baby?)

I've also woken up this morning to find that im bleeding. Its around the time that I would be due my period but again its no where near as heavy and ive got no pain at all.

What do you think ??
Only way to find out for sure is to test. If you think you're last proper AF was 29th Dec, that would make you 8.5 weeks now so that should definitely show up on a HPT.

Good luck xxx
Hey :wave:

In agreement with the girls, take a test & your know for sure

I agree think a test will let you know for defo either way. Fx bfp x
Hiya!! Thought i'd let you know i took a test today and it was positive.
Im 8 and a half weeks pregnant :D :D :D
:yay: congrats, go announce officially & get yourself off to Tri 1 :yay:

OMG 8 & half weeks!!! Wow! You're half-way thru Tri 1 already!!!

Many congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!

:yay: :yay: :yay:
Hi ladies I'm new here, wonder if anyone can make any suggestions as my situation is very much like pudsey's. Going back to Dec, I had my period on 30 Dec 2010 thereafter my hubby n I were sexually active on 10,11& 12 Jan 2011. My my next period was due on 27 Jan 2011 but I started a day earlier on 26th. Here comes the confusing bit.............

I was travelling on 27th Jan and usually the first 2 days for me r pretty bad. I was travelling on an eve flight which was direct n 13.5hrs long. A cpl hrs before leaving home I took one pill of Mefenamic Acid (500mg) to help control the heavy bleeding during my journey. By the end of my journey I started to feel cramps which I usually experience when my periods come to an end. I didnt bleed much during the journey, but by the next day after my travel I'd stopped bleeding.

My husband n I havent been sexually active during this month until 1day before my period was due. I was due on 23rd Feb 2011 n had intercourse on 22nd. I am NEVER late with my periods n have a 28 day cycle. It is now 27th, I felt light symptoms of starting on 23 & 24 but none since the past 2 days.

Can anyone tell me whether my periods r delayed cos of the interuption I caused last month or is there a possibility of having conceived? How much longer should I wait b4 I get a test done? Does anyone know if this pill can delay the next period n if so by how long?

Bearing in mind b4 my bleeding in jan I had extremely sore n painful breasts which ive NEVER had in my life n felt a sick feeling when I'd wake up in the mornings with a light heart burn.

I dont want to waste any more money on testing until I have enuf info on my situation. I tested in Dec n Jan thinking I'd conceived!!!! But only got negative results.

Any sharing of info is greatly appreciated, apologies for the lengthy senario. Thanks in advance for any feedback...........


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CONGRATULATIONS to Pudsey! Wishing u an enjoyable pregnancy n a healthy baby! All the best!!!
Hi ladies I'm new here, wonder if anyone can make any suggestions as my situation is very much like pudsey's. Going back to Dec, I had my period on 30 Dec 2010 thereafter my hubby n I were sexually active on 10,11& 12 Jan 2011. My my next period was due on 27 Jan 2011 but I started a day earlier on 26th. Here comes the confusing bit.............

I was travelling on 27th Jan and usually the first 2 days for me r pretty bad. I was travelling on an eve flight which was direct n 13.5hrs long. A cpl hrs before leaving home I took one pill of Mefenamic Acid (500mg) to help control the heavy bleeding during my journey. By the end of my journey I started to feel cramps which I usually experience when my periods come to an end. I didnt bleed much during the journey, but by the next day after my travel I'd stopped bleeding.

My husband n I havent been sexually active during this month until 1day before my period was due. I was due on 23rd Feb 2011 n had intercourse on 22nd. I am NEVER late with my periods n have a 28 day cycle. It is now 27th, I felt light symptoms of starting on 23 & 24 but none since the past 2 days.

Can anyone tell me whether my periods r delayed cos of the interuption I caused last month or is there a possibility of having conceived? How lon much longer should I wait b4 I get a test done? Does anyone know if this pill can delay the next period n if so by how long?

Bearing in mind b4 my bleeding in jan I had extremely sore n painful breasts which ive NEVER had in my life n felt a sick feeling when I'd wake up in the mornings with a light heart burn.

I dont want to waste any more money on testing until I have enuf info on my situation.

Any sharing of info is greatly appreciated, apologies for thd lengthy senario. Thanks in advance for any feedback...........

Hiya! Thank you for your comment!!

I think there's a possibility that you could be pregnant if your periods are normally like that. You could test a test any time now and if pregnant would come up positive. Or your other option would be to make an appointment with your doctor and they could do a free test at the surgery or do blood tests.

Good luck!!
Pudsey and to all ladies who cared to take the time to read my msg, just to let you guys know.........

:-( I started my periods on Monday 28th February. Funnily on Sunday night (27th February) at 00.20 midnight, I went to empty my bladder and came to know that there was very light blood to indicate I was starting. I prepared myself that night.

But, when I woke up on Monday morning, everything was crystal clear which confused the wits out of me!!!! Then Monday late evening (21.15) (yesterday) I got to know that I had started properly!!!!

Sad, but relieving as I've been pretty wound up being confused about what it could be and what not.

On Saturday I actually called around a couple of pharmacists to get advise on the medication I took to slow down the blood flow. One said it is possible for this medicine to delay periods and the other said it is virtually inpossible.

But from my experience I believe the first one who said it does cos he gave me information to a vast extent.

On the other hand I have been suffering from an Under-Active thyroid since almost 11 years now. So my mind was ticking along so many lines,

"could it by my thryroid hormones playing up as I've missed quite a few days on my thyroxine?"

"could it really be possible with not being fully sexually active for me to have conceived just by being sexually active 1 day before my period was due?"

"could it have been possible that I may have conceived during the month of Jan but still have had a period?"

"could having taken this medication cause a period to be missed?"

From all these questions in mind, for the last 5 days I've been rinsed with stress........to be honest I am really relieved to know where I stand......as least I can go forward from here and plan ahead.

There's nothing worse than being left with very little or no knowledge/information at all!!!!

Never mind, I guess "There is a Time For Everything and Everything Has a Time!!!!

But thanks for getting back.........

I'll try harder this month and will keep you all posted...........

It's been great to start sharing experiences with you guys......


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