think im obsessed!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2009
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ok so im not even due AF yet and i was out in the back garden sunning it for a bit when my neighbour came out and gave me a pregnancy test!!!:shock:

sounds odd i know, but he knows we are trying, i was drunk when i told them and they admitted they are trying too so it was a good old chin wag about it.

He told me he had been in somerfield and cos its closing down theres loads of things going really cheap and he gave me a clear blue test and it was reduced to 80p!! He bought a couple for his wife and gave me one too.

So now im thinking i need to go to somerfield and stock up lol.

But i think im obsessed cos all i can think about is weeing on this test even when im not due and havent been having sex this month, yes its been one of those months when my OH is so tired cos of work hes falling asleep at the dinner table and im "chowing at the bit" for a shag!!:roll:

random post lol
Aw that's really nice of him! Hopefully you and his OH both get bfp's!!!
80p!! bloody hell thats good! for that price i would lol!
Thats nice that you have someone to speak to about it.. and that they think of you :)
I know what you mean, i think we all feel the same, poas is always on the brain!
That really nice that your neighbour thought of you, the only thing my neighbour would give me is a dirty look!!

It might be an idea to go and stock up on them while they are that price.

Fingers crossed you get ur bfp soon :dust::dust:
i was a bit shocked when he flung it at me...a man other than my OH giving me a test....was an odd moment then i just laughed lol.

i get really embarrassed buying them tho, i always do it off the internet lol.

im hoping they might have some of the ovulation ones, cos ive no idea where i am on my cycle, just know im not due yet. we havent really been keeping track this month fingers crossed.

they are in there late 30s and have only just got married, he was with his ex for however many years and she was with hers for 19yrs and has a 19yr old son, shes only just told him she wants a baby and her son is over the moon lol!!

im trying to get her to sign up, but shes not for having it.
Shes not at that obsessed "i want a baby" stage yet lol. I wish i didnt care as much, but im really starting to get desperate :-(
That was really thoughtful of him! Don't POAS! Keep it :) Stock up and they will all be used I'm sure.. :hug: I hope it happens sooner rather than later hun :dust: xx
i went and there was none left!
the shop looked really creepy cos it was basically empty, still had some condomes left for 30p but im not needing them lol....

but i came home and done an ovulation test that i have in the drawer and it came back very positive which i was shocked at cos i thought i had missed it, im nearly due my either ovulation is late this month or its a very early positive. who knows, ile rape my OH when he gets home from work lol.

they are a very nice couple, but i hope i get my BFP before them lol. sounds nasty i know, but theyve only just decided to TTC and me and my OH have been at it for over a year now. I think they will get theres before us though, they havent got any "fertility" troubles like us xx
haha! i totally know what you mean about being obsessed, i should be ovulating this weekend so ive started getting the saucy underwear out and jumping on my OH at every oppportunity!! good luck! xx

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