Think I'm going to have a big baby... *Updated*


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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Midwife appointment this morning. Over the last three appointments I've been above the maximum line on growth chart. since last appointment, I've grown 5 and a half centimetres. So I've now been booked in for a growth scan on Tuesday at 8.30am. Excited tho as get to see bubs again. Didn't think I would see him or her again until the actual day. :)

Hoping baby is just high and not big. Lol. Anyone had this?xx


Baby was measuring about average and amniotic fluid levels are good. :) Kinda got scared at the thought of a big baby so feeling a little relieved now. Although I know scans are not always accurate. It was great seeing bubs again although I could only identify a foot and its head lol. No winkie or foofoo was seen so still team yellow. :) Just over 5 weeks to go to my due date and I feel sooooo excited! :) xx
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sorry no, just 3 different opinions for me - small then average then big, feel like flippin goldilocks! Hope your LO is a nice 'normal' size on tuesday x
This happened to me, but I was 27 weeks when it was finally acknowledged that my bump was huge! Turns out I was polyhydramnios and by the time I was 38 weeks I was measuring 55 weeks :shock: My bump got places 5 mins before me lol
My bump measured over, then under now spot on I think they grow at different rates x

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Leandro was measuring 2 weeks ahead and he was 9 days early and 8lbs 11. But the way they were talking I thought I was gonna have a 10lber Lol try not to worry. I had a big baby and a natural birth. They wanted to induce me on the 12 as he had a lot of fluid around him. Do you think it could be that? I had So much water that my waters broke naturally spilt all over the floor then when it was time to deliver his head thhey had to break my waters again. Oh said They filled a whole bin with just the absorption pad things they use xxx
It feels like just baby in there. All lumps and bumps. Think I'm measuring 2 weeks ahead too. At the end of the day as long as bubs is happen healthy that's all that matters. But the thought of a huge baby does scare me. Lol.xx
Oh but baby is head down and 4/5ths engaged. :-) which is a good thing I guess.xx
Im measuring ahead and on the growth scans it is a big baby, but the consultant says not to worry it will be fine. I was a bit disapointed with the scan because the baby is so squished up you can't really see anything. Hopefully bubs is normal but if not dont worry it will be fine x
I dont have much to say as Im having growth scans anyway cos I a big momma not a big baby LOL but it will be nice to see your bubs and you should get some amazing shots of you LO face so have a little idea what they might look like, handy if you havent had a 4d SCAN XX
My bump measured a week bigger than dates but had growth scan other day and his legs were measured at a week bigger than date but his tummy about 4 week and his head a few week. I'm having another scan on 12th jan but they said expect big baby. Was told same with dd and she was 6lb 10oz! So they can't be so accurate!
i am also measuring big and if i still am at next visit, i will be going for a growth scan xx
I've been measuring 2-3 weeks ahead for a while now i had a growth scan last tuesday was 36+2 baby was slightly bigger but nothing to worry about they said, he was about 6lb 12oz they wrote on my notes x
I know this one is going to be a big baby, as my bump is full of baby with little room for anything else! Also my other children all weighed between 6.5 - 7lb when they were born at full term.
Hi - i measured 11 cms over at 36 weeks hmmm but that was due to excess water. By he time I was full term at least three people would stop me in the street and ask if i was having triplets haha. I was induced at 40.3. When they broke my waters it was like a tsunami - LO was 8lbs8 and 90th%ile in length. So it was also baby. They had predicted he would be 10lbs.

Hope your scan goes well, its always nice to see bub again.
At my.full term Mw appt.I measured 37 weeks and had.been consistantly on the smaller side. She felt baby and'd be around 7lbs as.bump so neat etc so we were all s little shocked.when out popped freya at 9lb! When they.broke my waters.there.was barely anything, I didn't even feel a trickle, bump really was all baby! No one can tell how big.unitl the baby is weighed LOL, even the scans aren't hugely accurate Xx
I always measured spot on for my weeks, but my LO was 9lb4oz born at 41weeks and was 56cm in length. xx so i dont really think measuring means anything cos he was huge but my bump 'normal'. xx
I always measured spot on for my weeks, but my LO was 9lb4oz born at 41weeks and was 56cm in length. xx so i dont really think measuring means anything cos he was huge but my bump 'normal'. xx

A lady I know who had her baby in September was exactly the same! Her bump was tiny yet her little boy was 9lb9oz!

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