37/38 week midwife app :( UPDATED :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2008
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well, iv just got back from my appointment and everything was ok apart from my growth on the fundal height is measuring static! its still at 35 which is the same as 2 weeks ago. I can't believe it because i feel alot heavier and she feels bigger to me! but feels like she's sticking out more on my sides than growing higher if that makes sense :( anyways i'v got an appointment with a consultant tomorrow, im really worried now. What will happen at the appointment? what will happen if their right and baby isn't growing? xx


so went today, they measured again and got 33cm! :/ tested to see if my waters had gne and came back negative so sent me for scan. tho woman who was scanning was really excited said i was the first person to get a scan on the new machine, it was sooo clear! baby weighs approx 6lb6oz with 2 week to go till my due date, saw her chubby little cheeks and her yawn, was soooo cute!! amniotic fluid is fine so went back to consultant and i have a midwife appointment on tuesday which i presume if my belly hasn't grown anymore they'll send me back to hospital, if not i have another appointment on the 22nd (2days before my due date) with the consultant at the hospitak for another scan. Soooo relieved baba is ok and im sooooooooo excited now, makes everything seem so much more real when you see baby on a scan :))

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This happened to a friend of mine and they induced her x
In this country we have an amazing NHS. I know we all complain about it, but when it comes down to the nitty gritty we are really lucky. You are in the best hands, and when you see the consultant tomorrow they will know what to do, and what is best for you and baby.

I am sorry I can't offer more than that, and I know I would want to know if it was me, but I am sending lots of hugs.
Try not to worry, it might be that baby is just laying differently? My bump looked smaller in my pictures last week than week before but I have had 3 actual growth scans one last week even and the baby is growing at the right rate. They are just looking after you, which is great. 'IF' there is a reason that baby has stopped growing, maybe it's time for him or her to come out? Due dates are quite inaccurate. You might get baby before you think... Trust them to look after you and try not to worry, you are so close now xxxxxx
hey hun try not to stress to much although i know its hard

my friend is due 8th march so around 35 weeks, never been measured by her own midwife...but she was ill and couldnt make her last mw appt so the hospital sent a diff mw to check on her....she measured fundal height and was completely horriffied that the other mw had nether done this :shakehead: she was told the baby was measuring at 20 weeks on fundal height thingy.. so was told to be prepared for induction...she been to the hosp and baby is measuring small but not as small as 20 wks she has been given steroids as a precaution and she is up there 3 times a week now and a decision wil be made on 16th feb on whether to induce early or not :)

as one of the others said you will be in completely good hands under the consultant they know best and will take the best course of action for you and ur baby :)
good luck but im sure all will be ok :hugs:xxx
Might be that baby has engaged? My mw told me that it sometimes get more difficult to measure them in the end. Anyway, I'm sure you'll be taken good care of, so try not to worry!

thanks everyone :) & no baby is still 'free' she's measuring on the middle line on the fundal height chart so she's not small anyways but the growth is just static. Just wish my appointment was today because i hate waiting!! x
my first stopped growing at 36 weeks so I had him very soon after that. Maybe that baby is ready to come. He was 5lb 5ozs by the way. x
Hope everything is ok with consultant, i stayed the same for a bit and at todays app was bang on 36 so she just done a lot of growing in the last few weeks :-) dont think the fundal measurements are all that accurate so im sure she is just sending you up to be safe xxx
Awwwww I'm sorry you're worried hon, but as everyone says you're in the best hands. The baby is clearly a good size but they just worry about things if they remain static. They might just induce you a little early but you'll be full term and so the LO will still be fully baked whatever. :hugs:
Good luck for tomorrow at your appt, remember to update us :) x
I'm in the same boat. Been measuring exact same for the last 4 weeks. Got an extra appointment with MW tomorrow to see if there's any change. Was wondering what she'll do if there isn't?

Hope your appointment goes well! Make sure you let us know :)

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Hi Julie

At 37 wks I was measuring across my tummy 33 wks. I have seen consultant and they sent me for a scan. Baby was measuring about 5 1/2 lb which is about right considering my small frame and hubby's. I'm coming up to 38wks and feeling bigger already.

I'm sure all is fine but it would be nice for a little reassurance wouldn't it. Keep us posted Hun xx
Glad everything is okay with your lo xx

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