Think I belong in here :(


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2013
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Went for my 12w scan on Friday to be told our baby had no HB and had died at approximately 8w4d. My whole world fell apart and now I feel so broken and empty. I chose to have a d&c on monday although since Friday I have decided this is probably not the right choice for me. As if to agree with me, my body started spotting yesterday and woke up this morning to heavier bleeding and small clots. I am going to cancel my d&c tomorrow and wait for my baby to pass naturally. I feel lost now as I feel I no longer belong in tri1 and can't face TTC section just yet.
It took us 4.5 years to conceive along with another missed miscarriage in 2012.
This time I believe my baby had a chromosomal abnormality as both my early scan at 7w and this scan showed markers...
7w scan: yolk sack was extremely large (at least double the size of baby) and I was measuring 5 days behind the minimum dates I could be.

And this scan showed that the nuchal fold was already visible on the baby even though he only measured 8w4d (leading me to think that if we had gotten to 12weeks with a live fetus the nuchal fold would have been extremely large and a cause for concern)

Obviously this is just my theory but I feel the evidence is quite obvious.
So here starts my new life of a mother to two beautiful angel babies now in persuit of new hope and my take home rainbow baby.
I'm very sorry to hear your news, big hugs heading your way. Are you able to have any testing done? It may prove your theory right and then you may be able to see a way forward. We are in our third year ttc, it sucks doesn't it.
So sorry hun, sending lots of love xx
I'm so sorry. It's so tough getting the news of a mmc. Keep strong, and keep trying. My rainbow came on the 5th go. It's so hard to pick yourself up each time but the reward is great.
Oh I am so sorry to be reading this. Do what is right for you and take care of yourself xxx
Oh hun, i am really sorry to see you in here, but while your in this limbo this group is a really good support, i couldn't have done without it when I felt lost with mine.

I believe my angel baby from mmc at 11 plus 5 had a chromozone problem too, when next preg quite soon I gotcreally high risk on combined screening 1:9 from blood markers ( which I now know to not be my normal), this actually gave me some strange comfort after a time that my baby couldn 't have survived x

Do get lots of large towels in, and paracetamol hun and drink lots, we are all here for you xx
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Really feel for you and know what your going through at this crappy time, I found out on Friday that I had a mmc, seems baby didn't make it to 6 weeks, had early scan due to spotting, I'm waiting to have the d&c this Friday, no sign of my body realising anything is wrong yet.
Big hugs and get as much support as you can from here and close friends and family at this tough time.xx
Thank you for your replies ladies.
Well after being awake for over 24hours (im struggling to sleep) i called epu to cancel my d&c as things got moving over the weekend and i decided to let my body do what it needs to do. No more than an hour after cancelling my appt, my baby passed. I feel numb and empty :( xxxx
Thank you for your replies ladies.
Well after being awake for over 24hours (im struggling to sleep) i called epu to cancel my d&c as things got moving over the weekend and i decided to let my body do what it needs to do. No more than an hour after cancelling my appt, my baby passed. I feel numb and empty :( xxxx

OH my!! :-( :hugs:
Sorry you have to go through this! Xxx
I'm so sorry for your loss. I had a miscarriage on 25th October 2013 and a year on to the day 25th October 2014 I had my beautiful daughter Emily. I really hope you get your happily ever after too. Lots of hugs to you. Xxxxx
Oh hun I'm so sorry, but glad your out of limbo, that all happened very quickly.

Looks like my body likes to do things quickly...hcg is almost gone from my system since monday according to my pregnancy tests...(left monday right just now).
I assume this means i could be ovulating soon? Seems so strange that exactly a week after finding out my baby had died that my body is getting ready to just start again just like that :/ xxx

So sorry. .:(
Hope u get ur rainbow baby soon x
I left my body to pass naturally but 2 weeks later it started to smell necrotic as there was tissue still stuck there (weirdly i took comfort in thinking they didnt wanna leave me yet!)
Failed medical management (that was extremely horrible) and ended up getting a D&C anyway which was dead straight forward but totally necessary in the end...
It sucks big time

It caused conflict in my heart with my husband
Im there distraught over my loss
Hes distraught over what was happening to me in pain, losing stupid amounts of blood and in and out of hospital
The baby was inside me. There was an emotional connection... he never had that

Its all a pretty horrible thing to experience... especially if its not straight forward
That is quick Mrs Goodchild, will you be waiting a bit before ttc ? My first af arrived 26 days exactly after d&c , i know you didn't have a d&c in the end but might help, my preg tests took 2 weeks tho and I don't think we ovulated that first month even thougth we ttc

I wish you lots of luck when you decide to go again hun,you are very fertile after a mc or mmc - big hugs xx
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Scan today to check nothing has been left behind (hopefully i wont still need a d&c). The bleeding and cramps have stopped on saturday so im hoping thats a good sign.
Jjmum we will be starting ttc as soon as the hospital confirm nothing is left behind and as soon as my hpts are completely negative. I have ordered a load of opks and will be getting back to temping asap. Really hope it doesnt take another 2 and a half years to get another bfp xxx
Glad to hear everything has gone relatively smoothly and quickly for you. Good luck hun xx
Hope scan went okay today Hun. I have read lots that you are in a really fertile time now so have everything crossed for u that u get your bfp when u are ready xxx

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