There is hope

May 25, 2012
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HI, I have joined today to simply share a little hope.

I was told at 24 I would never have children due to PCO and lived with it, current boyfriend at the time was ok at first but that and other issues saw us split when i was 28.
I resigned myself to a career and 3 holidays a year and sobbed my socks off as each of my friends called to say they were expecting, always a brave face at the time then blubbering baffoon once home.

in 2000 aged 29 I met my husband and in 2002 he proposed I jokingly warned all my bridesmaids not to get pregnant in the next year as our wedding was set midsummers day 2003 and ofcourse it wasnt going to happen to me, in fact I didnt want it to hapen now I was planning a fantastic wedding. I was relying on the fact that I couldnt have children and never used contrception since I was about 23 years old So imagine my shock aged 31 when i found I was pregnant. and she was due 2 weeks after the wedding date. needless to say, all plans were changed and she was born july 11th. we wed in September when she was 8 weeks.

since 2003 we have tried naturally ( we have looked into adoption [pathetic issues over which councils isnt too close and which refuse to travel] another story..) in 2010 we breifly got involved with the fertility clinic, I went for my investigation but i knew it would be more of the same ( proding poking) and a much bigger fear of becoming obsessive about it all, > heart break at every sign of a period would wear me down and so we made the descision to stop the fertility route. As sad as it was I thought I have one child and a depressed mother is no good to her so I counted my blessings and we carried on merrily. I obviously tried manipulating when I thought I was fertile ( who knows when you have 3 to 8 periods a year) .

I lived in hope and I have seriously bought my own body weight in pregnancy tests but I always said when I hit 40 thats it !

I turned 40 last year, and this new years eve was awful, I had no new years hope. the past 9 years have been a thought and prayer that "maybe this year will get pregnant.." so new years 2012 saw me sobbing in the kitchen cancelling all plans of celebration and as big ben chimed I kissed good bye to all my hopes and dreams of having another baby, and the brother or sister my little girl has always asked for. :eek:(

In March I went to hospital as my periods have become very regular and had become very painful, DR thought it was endometriosis, so had a scan and they said to come back in 6 weeks as they had found a clot. I was worried sick, and even contemplated having it all wipped out as its no use anyway !

I went back April 19th and they simply gave me the all clear.

since then I had sore boobs , crying at everything, all the signs i have had so many times before and it usually follows that I buy yet another test for it to say no and start a period 2 days later anyway, I resisted until WED 23rd and did a test

I got 2 stripes ,, so I did the other one the next morning and that said pregnant too.....! I am 41 next month and now worried sick about the complications due to my age, my first drs appointment is Tuesday.

My reason for posting all this is because over the past 9 years I have read all mothers efforts and challenges on various forums about trying to get pregnant and I have never actually posted anything but they have been a source of encouragement for me.

and you may want to know have I done anything different?, in the past month i started to do Zumba on the wii with my little girl for a giggle , and i have fallen in love with Chia tea. drunk 2 cups aday...!

I wonder .....?

please dont give up , and as I have learnt the minute you take the pressure off yourself and settle for what you have, it seems to happen.

lots of love
me and a weee bump
Lovely story hun, so pleased for you. Gives us women who have been trying for ages a lot of hope. Big congratulations.

Michelle. x
Lovely story and gd luck with ur preg I'm 39 had 2 mcs and all they keep saying is my age my age if anyone else says that I will smack em one grrr lol I'm blessed with 6 gawjus kids but the losses and want for another doesn't go away or get any easier and my time is ticking u say there is always hope and I do hope I get my bfp soon with a sticky bean xxxxx
Thanks for sharing your story - big congratulations to you :)
Thanks for posting. Wishing you every happiness after what you have been through you deserve this other little miracle.

Lovely story hun. Once LO is born (grats) ask doc about Metformin just to help control your PCOS a bit. Done me wonders.

As for your age. You have a kid all ready so you won't be as much as a risk as someone your age having there first if that makes sense?

You might still be classed as high risk like me tho cos of PCOS (and maybe your age but that means you'll have choice of extra tests)

At least ask if you can have an early scan when you see the docs :)
hi and thanks everyone.

and yes pysco falcon :) your right and I have been taking metformin
I had preg induced diabetes with my first pregnancy, then no diabetes for 5 years and 3 years ago was borderline diabetic, ( i really dont like it )

any way was controlling it with diet for 1st 2 years and kept colesterol low too but last year dr said it is rising so to start metformin.

I have just stopped it as I want to be sure all is okay when i go see dr on tuesday to discuss what i should be doing now I am pregnant??.

Thanks again,

its still sinking in, I just want to fast forward a few months now ( got a bit of pain today,) Hubby telling me off for clearing the shed out in his heat. :roll:
and I am already worrying myself silly...

I'll be fine I just need to get through the nest few weeks.

agent tink.. x
You shouldn't just suddenly stop it cold turkey hun! We get weaned on it so have to be weaned off too.

Saying that I'm still taking it during my pregnancy and loads of diabetics do. I saw my doc last week and she said it'll prevent me getting pregnancy diabetes.
Congratulations - Such a lovely story to read, so pleased for you :) wishing you lots of love & happiness in your future xx
That is a lovely story....brought a tear to my eye. We got our BFP the day before going to see the fertility specialist, apparently it can often happen that when you stop worrying (or just completely give up), or something takes just a little weight off your mind, it can happen, I think loosing a little weight and getting a little fitter might have helped me too.

Good luck to all you ladies in the TTC boards x
What a wonderful story, you must be so happy congratulations xx

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