The super indulgent 'how cute is my baby?' thread!!

Ah man :( I'm very sad now!!
Ah Charley I've missed him!!! Such a stunner :)
Ahh bless Charley and Ella are soo cute , they look soo grown up, Iv'e lost touch on here...
Chloe has started to sit the last two weeks too got a pic of her this morning for you ladies
So cute girls!!!

New photos of my boy ... Glad Drake is still the one for Ellie! lol He's super chuffed, as you can see in the B&W photo!


I was gonna write to you on fb and see if you've got a recent pic of Drake! He's still as handsome as ever!!! x x
Aw look at Chloe sitting up! Charley sits for about 5 seconds then realises I'm not holding on so falls!
Awe bless him! Chloe stays up about about 3-4mins then gets board and does the I'm trying to crawl but really I'm laying on my tummy looking like im trying to swim pose lol!
Thanks girls! Drake can manage about 5 minutes sitting up then flings himself back so I have to be there to catch him lol
Oh man Drake is GORGEOUS!!!
Aiden can sit for about 30 seconds then gets really excited about nothing (usually seeing the wall sends him off on a giggling fit) and falls over :( he's getting there though!!!

Reading his new book :)
playin with her puppy


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I am mean. The poor kid has had this on every say since thurs at some point, it just makes us laugh though!


Rwar face! and rusk :p


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Rol that is amazing!where did you get it from? I currently have donald duck dungarees and cardigan for easter/ a wedding were going too!
I can't get over how gorgeous all the pf babies are!! Aiden looks like he's proper reading that book, it's fab... and haha, Blake and the chicken outfit :rofl: love it, I want one for Ella!
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My Sis bought it for him from tesco. £8 but it only starts in age 6-9 months (she went to 5 different Tesco stores to get him one in 3-6 before she realised it said FROM age 6-9 months - 5 yrs on the tag! Idiot). Ive got a great pic of both Blake and his cousin wearing the matching chicken outfits. I'll download it later.
Oh no, maybe i could get one now and just dress her up in it at random times of the year, who says it has to be easter to dress like a chicken haha!!

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