The super indulgent 'how cute is my baby?' thread!!

Awe cute!!!

I've got this one as well hehe!!




You will have to excuse my son in the background we were at sil and bil. House and he had an accident and his clothes were being washed lol but you can't see anything lol bless him!
I loveeeee Chloes pigtails! She looks so beautiful and grown up xo
I've not been on here all week the babies have changed loads!

Chloe looks so much older than what she is. She has such a grown up face.

Charley looks much more grown up too! Has his hair changed colour?
It's got alot lighter gem!! He's got a long bit of hair on top of his head and I'm so tempted to cut it but it'll go wrong knowing me! Lol

Alanna's beautiful Kat!
Maybe a week or so early but he seems to be enjoying it!

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Tapatalk sorry for any typos!!
My big man watching tv in his new Bumbo

Reading his book :)

Everyones LO's are growing so fast! Beautiful babbas :love:
Aw D_ball he looks like he's loving it :)

Lily how'd he get on in his bumbo? I've just given ours away because Seb hated it! He prefers his high chair or just to be sat x he's so gorgeous though, look at him with that book!
Seb on the swing (he's wonky because he kept trying to lick the chains (dirty boy lol)) and eating some orange (the rest of his food journey pics are in my BLW journal)


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Did he have fun Helen? Lacey was telling me the other day how in the summer, charley can use her slide in the garden by himself... I was like eh noooo!!
Aiden's so cute! <3
He looks like he is enjoying the swings bless him an the orange :) how old is he now? I haven't tried Chloe with anything like this yet she hasn't even got teeth has seb? I would love to try Chloé soon I always get so scared x
He was 24 weeks on Saturday hon x he has no teeth but manages really really well x anyone interested in BLW should 100% research it to understand it. I knew bits and bats about it but when I started researching it I was absolutely amazed by how much I didn't know (plus it helps cope with the gagging :))
He's absolutely loving it! Especially when I cut up say a pear and we share it out, he's fascinated x
Aw D_ball he looks like he's loving it :)

Lily how'd he get on in his bumbo? I've just given ours away because Seb hated it! He prefers his high chair or just to be sat x he's so gorgeous though, look at him with that book!

He loves it! Was pretty difficult to get his chunky legs in it though! But once he was in he didn't wanna come out again lol it's really weird seeing them that low down, made me feel like a giant!!
Aw fantastic :) Seb just wriggles and whinged yet he absolutely loves his high chair! Strange :) well A is gorgeous!
Aw Meeah she is gorgeous even when poorly :)

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