The super indulgent 'how cute is my baby?' thread!!

Awwww. Hi gorgeous Toby! That looks like he's using the camera to take a photo of himself. Brilliant!

Such gorgeous babies, everyone. Drummer's Wife - I'd forgotten how tiny newborns are. How cute is he?
Awww I love Toby's smily face, like Karen says it looks like hes taking the photo himself! So cute! :love:

Karen .. I think I need a pic of Tilly to get me through the day!
Morning toby!!! Would love to kiss those gorgeous little cheeks. Gorgeous boy!
Awww I love Toby's smily face, like Karen says it looks like hes taking the photo himself! So cute! :love:

Karen .. I think I need a pic of Tilly to get me through the day!

Ahh... A triple whammy of Tilly just for you and gorgeous Aaron, Tweety :):):)


Hehe lots of beautiful babas!

Love Tillys hair....she's so bloody cute!

Here's Sebastian pleased with himself as he woke at 6:30 which meant I gave in and brought him into mummy and daddies room.


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Thanks everyone. Toby loves his PF aunties xxx

Tilly is soooo bloomin beautiful. I love her hair xxxx

totally hoppin on the 'tilly is like boo' train! she SO is! ADORABLE! :):):)

as are all the other beautiful bubbas!! :)
Awwww. Thanks, ladies. She's just about as lively as Boo too. Tweety - give Aaron some cuddles and kisses back from us.

Melissa - 6.30am would be bliss for us. Today it was 5.30am. She always comes into bed with me for her first feed and then she plays with toys sitting between daddy and me if he hasn't got up for work yet. Love the pic - he's much more cheerful than I am at 6.30 xxx
Gorgeous Karen. She gets cuter! Kent think it was possible!

They are all gorgeous. Little cuties!
Hello everyone!!! Hope your Monday has been good. Xxxx

Beautiful babies!

I could squidge Toby!!

I am loving Tilly's bed hair! C's bed hair is crazy how do you tame her hair?



Aaron is proper chuffed with his new seat!

It's the first one we've found that actually helps him to sit up!!

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
Kk I saw C's doppelgänger at the shopping centre today! I proper stopped in my tracks ... Same hair and everything! Genuinely though it was him but his mum didn't look like you then I remember you don't live in Glasgow :blush:

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
Melissa- I wish C was so happy at 6!

Gayle as always DF is a beauty

Loving the bus Tia!! Xx

Tweety - look at that gorgeous happy face!! Gorgeous boy.

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