The super indulgent 'how cute is my baby?' thread!!

Kk I saw C's doppelgänger at the shopping centre today! I proper stopped in my tracks ... Same hair and everything! Genuinely though it was him but his mum didn't look like you then I remember you don't live in Glasgow :blush:

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!

Ohhh interesting! At least we won't be bumping into C's double!! Xx

He is absolutely bloody gorgeous! And what a smile! Can't wait for Spencer to smile x
Tweey Aaron is so cute!! He's got a lovely smile :) Such a happy baby!!xx

Mummy to Francesca (born at 13:27 on 10/08/11 weighing 7lbs 6oz, 5 days early) and Benjamin (born at 23:08 on 08/03/13 weighing 8lbs 15oz, 1 day late).

Daddy terrorising Ben while he's being winded...


Mummy to Francesca (born at 13:27 on 10/08/11 weighing 7lbs 6oz, 5 days early) and Benjamin (born at 23:08 on 08/03/13 weighing 8lbs 15oz, 1 day late).

Kk I saw C's doppelgänger at the shopping centre today! I proper stopped in my tracks ... Same hair and everything! Genuinely though it was him but his mum didn't look like you then I remember you don't live in Glasgow :blush:

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!

Ohhh interesting! At least we won't be bumping into C's double!! Xx

That would be a bit freaky huh?! Xx

Daddy terrorising Ben while he's being winded...


Mummy to Francesca (born at 13:27 on 10/08/11 weighing 7lbs 6oz, 5 days early) and Benjamin (born at 23:08 on 08/03/13 weighing 8lbs 15oz, 1 day late).


Ahhh puckering up a kiss for mummy! x
Beautiful babies!

I could squidge Toby!!

I am loving Tilly's bed hair! C's bed hair is crazy how do you tame her hair?


Oh KK. The hair situation is BAD. It looks fine from the front, but the back of it is like a rat's nest - multiple dreadlocks and everything. I have to finger comb the hair after every nap, or I should do, or it turns into a godawful tangle that I'm sometimes tempted just to shave off :). The hair at the back has gone all frizzy from her rubbing her head and getting it all knotted up. I am thinking of trying some kind of conditioner on her hair to see if it is less knotty then, but I doubt it will make much difference. C's hair is so dense and lush - it's amazing and so cute. He's Tilly's bed hair buddy, isn't he? xxx

Time flies so fast, doesn't it? She's so beautiful. What eyes, and the colour of her hair is gorgeous xxx

Beautiful babies, everyone. Tweety - glad to see you've found a good chair for Aaron. He looks so happy xxx
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Awe Amelie is beautiful and getting so big!

Aaron fell asleep mid chew today


Then getting the hang of the cup! (He actually drank some water - I know this as he spewed it up afterwards!)


Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
Awe Amelie is beautiful and getting so big!

Aaron fell asleep mid chew today

View attachment 34189

Then getting the hang of the cup! (He actually drank some water - I know this as he spewed it up afterwards!)

View attachment 34190

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!

My isn't he just adorable when his asleep. Makes you want to just kiss him.

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Oh KK. The hair situation is BAD. It looks fine from the front, but the back of it is like a rat's nest - multiple dreadlocks and everything. I have to finger comb the hair after every nap, or I should do, or it turns into a godawful tangle that I'm sometimes tempted just to shave off :). The hair at the back has gone all frizzy from her rubbing her head and getting it all knotted up. I am thinking of trying some kind of conditioner on her hair to see if it is less knotty then, but I doubt it will make much difference. C's hair is so dense and lush - it's amazing and so cute. He's Tilly's bed hair buddy, isn't he? xxx

Lol Cs hair is mad it's so puffy it looks like we blow dry it!! It grows up rather than down, so he looks like a nutty professor.

We did shave C's hair in October and I think that the back is still not growing properly because he rubs it too.... The back looks like an afro when he wakes up!!

C is definitely Tilly's bed hair buddy!! Xx


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