Shaun took this one this morning of Blake. Difficult manoeuvring a newborn into a good position for the light and then he weed all over our bed! Glad he got one though, been pestering him to take some good pics since he was born!
i love madisons outfit! thats what i would have choosed if i hada girl!
naat he looks so much like you, hes lovely!
Icant belive how quick little ella is growing! bless her she looks like such a happy little girl!
Finley is a little poser hey! how sweet is he!
that pic of blake is so small, it looks so beautiful, can u put it up again, bigger?
Ah is it? Shaun wrote Happy Christmas on it and I cropped it (I'm ridiculously anal about fonts and I hate the one he's used!) it must've saved small. Is this better?
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