The Person Below Me Thread

no one planning a home birth then huh?

I am thinking about it, but thats only if the birthing pool at teh midwife center is in use when the time comes, if it is, then i figure i might as well stay at home. time will tell i guess!!

the person below me will hopefuly be finding out the sex of there baby real soon!
YES - in just over 3 weeks when it's born LOL

The person below me is no longer able to paint her own toenails.....
god definetly
touching my toes is impossible

the person below me....cant wait for christmas!!!
ooh i cant wait for christmas its my favourite time of year ive nearly finished my christmas shopping too :oops:
the person below me has just got their BFP ..........
Doesn't look like any of the TTC bunch are looking in here at the moment.

The person Below Me got pregnant as soon as they started trying (lucky them!)
:D That's me!! We couldn't believe it as I was convinced it would take at the very least three months!! :D

The person below me feels that their bladder is full and when they go to the loo hardly anything comes out!!
thats me and im only 6 weeks :(
the person below me is having strange cravings
i guess so! - if ribena counts! cant get enough of the stuff - im going to give birth to a ribena berry for sure!! (woo!)

the person below me is going on a holiday before baby arrives
Nope I'm all holiday'd out for this year.

The person below me has bought everything they need..
Not quite - still got to get a baby monitor and curtains - will be shopping this afternoon!

The person below me had cornflakes this morning
mmmm i had crunchy nut cornflakes does this count?

the person below me is staying in again on a saturday night just like me
That's me, I'm looking after my nephew, who's 5. Him and Mason have played just about every board game we have in the house, you should see the mess!

The Person Below Me has been "nesting" (aka tidying the whole house!)
Hahaha - not quite - far too knackered for that just now, but I did clean out all the drawers in the kitchen last weekend :D .

The person below me thinks the only true James Bond was Sean Connery...
ooh that could be me wasnt he just the best and his voice is soooo lovely
the person below me has just discovered their first stretchmark
Sadly not - discovered them on my bum weeks ago :( . Bellly is so far stretch mark free though :D .

The person below me has eaten a bar of chocolate today...
That's me... ate a kit kat whilst food shopping - paid for the empty wrapper!!!!!

The person below me has recently got engaged or planning a wedding.
thats me!!

getting married on the 12th of november, cant wait! :D

the person below me is getting fed up of waiting for there baby to arrive
i cant wait. ive still got about 2 weeks left :( lol

the person below me is having more than 1 baby(twins etc)
people keep asking me if i am coz of my bump, but nope, just the one in there

the person below me is suffering from heartburn
yep thats me but im lucky its only mild at moment lol
person below me is due to have a scan this week

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