true or false

False - Only place i've been in England is York & London

TPBM loves the song Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush
:oops: :oops: TRUE, though I probably shouldnt admit that lol

TPBM likes bondage in the bedroom :lol:
false never tried it it's not false im actually not

tpbm had a take away tonight
False I always have to cook big meals then half goes to waste :roll:

TPBM has a soft toy they cuddle and/or sleep in bed with (as well as there OH)
I still have the blanket i have had since i was a bubba :oops:

tpbm cant stop eating lately!?
it was true a few week or so ago but my appetite has gone again now...

TPBM is going to bed soon...(i'm going now, night lol)
false im waiting till i know il pass out as i alan is on nights and i get scared been on my own :( :oops: well with the world we live in its hard not to be. :cry:

tpbm is listening to music now
false - my feet and ankles are fine :)

TPBM loves mint chocolate chip ice cream the best
False - chocolate all the way for me!

TPBM owns at least one ministry of sound album?
false - nmsaa!

TPBM loves really scary rollercoasters
yeah when im clubbing but been a while lol

tpbm likes justin timberlakes new single my love'
false - justin timberlake and I don't get along lol

TPBM has moshed before
True and spent the next day with a sprained neck :roll:

TPBM has an addiction to peanut butter
false - can't stand the stuff

TPBM believes in past lives
false r u kidding me with 2 children :D

TPBM is expecting a boy

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