~~The person below me....~~

err.. true lol except trinny and susannah say they don't flatter flabby asses so I might start changing my tune...

the person below me can cook
I can!

The person below me should be doing housework!
:oops: me i should be doing housework :oops: but im addictied to this forum...

the person below me has just had lunch....
no.. i don't do lunch at the moment, having a rough day too.. :(

the person below me can speak more than 2 languages...
Does my queens english count?

I can speak some French, I learnt some when in a france a few years ago - not fluent though.

The person below me likes the colour blue.
True :angel:

But don't tell my folks, when the big fight was on and everyone went to bed we got carried away on the sofa...... :rotfl:

The person below me owns to many pairs of shoes
Yes i definitely own too many pairs of shoes....

The person below me has owned a sports car.....
We have!!! wow these are getting really good now, we owned a ford probe - by far our bachelor no children car.

I miss it, sob.

The person below knows they should switch their computor off as they have lots to do and are just putting it off.
mee i sshould move my arse and get off the computer. :oops:

the person below me has just changed a nappy....
Yep have not long changed a nappy....

The person below me believes in ghosts!!!!
Yes i think there mabye such a thing called ghosts
Ive always wanted to spend the weekend at a haunted castle.
But for some reason im cant get anyone to go with me :? :lol:

The person below me is scared of bee's and wasps and freaks out like a mad women when she sees /hears them ( :oops: ME) Anyone else?
hehe!! not yet but will on friday, which is this week!! lol

Does that count?

The person below me is just as sad as I am sitting watching Celeb BB Hijack!

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