The Person Below Me Thread

Yes definately!! if it's not for the loo, it because OH has nicked all the covers then kicked me lol!!
I know that Kim has already replied but seeing as she did not post a new thread I thought I would jump on the pee thing. My husband noted that I go every two hours. It should be noted that we recently bought the highest bed in the world (I may soon need a step stool).

This statement is also true of me: The person below me has a fantastic partner who takes care of everything and makes them feel truly loved.
That's me, my DH is being very understanding and caring about everything. He bought me pregnancy vitamins, always tells me i'm beautiful and makes sure i don't try to lift anything silly. He even took over the hoovering!

The person below me is undecided on names at the minute.
Sorry I forgot to put a new statement on my last one!! :oops:

Anyway, yes we are totally undecided on names, haven't a clue really, we keep disagreeing so I think we will just leave it and decide when she's born.

Not strange just rather inconvinient, i always fancy a punnet of strawberries at 3am, Strange i k,now so if i don't have any in then its tuff really!!

The person below me can't wait to finish work!!! :D :D
MMMEEE!!!!!! I have to go back tomorrow after 2 weeks off, hmph and am not looking forward to it. am counting down the weeks till maternity leave starts (28th November - come on). However it is a little bit exciting to go back tomorrow as I have bought some new clothes, mainly trousers that will fit round fat bump, and it feels like I'm going back to school after the 6 week hols(does anyone else remember that feeling with new school shoes, pencil case etc). I need to get out more I know..... :oops:

The person below me has developed pregnancy brain xxx
Definitley me!

Not as bad so far as last time though, when I looked high and low around the house for my keys, I looked in all the bags, drawers, pockets I could find.

I checked my clothes, I checked under the cushions of the couch I checked EVERYWHERE!!!

You know where I found them?

In my hand. :oops:

The person below me cannot seem to stay away from this forum recently!
Thats me! I love checking the boards all day long!

The person below me has got a list of foods they have gone off and can't understand. i.e I have gone off mashed potato! I love mashed potato!
:lol: You've given me your mashed potato love - I've had it to eat for 4 days!!
I did go off of a lot of foods at first, but seem to be mostly back onto them again. However I don't have a varied diet now, if I want something (like mashed potato) it will be for days not just for 1 meal.

The person below me is getting more scared about labour....
yes that would be me!

Im having to do it with no pain relief this time round coz my hosptial have stopped giving epidruals, its more of a birthing center now than a hospital, so im terrified!
had epidruals on both of my two and really wanted it again this time...

i have had cravings for peanut butter sandwiches, the person below me has also had cravings for things they are not allowed to have..
Yes, i love to eat fluffernutters. Toasted sandwiches with peanut butter and melted down marshmallows in them. Bit of an american thing. Absolutely divine. But I can't have them at the mo and will make sure I have one as soon as I stop breastfeeding.

The person below me is already looking forward to the day when they can wear normal clothes again
Yes. I feel a bit limited at the moment - I have gone through the biggest growth spurt to date this week and my skin is stretching and my clothes aren't fitting. Even my maternity jeans are tight (not sure what to do about that one).

The person below me finds it hard not to yelp when their baby kicks them suddenly at work.
yes! sometimes if the baby kicks me and i get a shock i have to try not to laugh out loud!

The person below me has aching legs/ankles/feet (my legs are killing by the end of the day!!)

Even if I haven't stood up much my legs are still so tired!

The person below me is going to have a scan soon!
That's me - I have my 20 week scan on Friday & I can't wait - seems so long since I last saw my little bean!

The person below me has bought some fantastic bargains for their baby - I have been ebaying!!
Yes i have. I've just bought a brand new Mothercare coil sprung coolmax mattress for £12 on ebay!! Bargain. I was a bit worried because my cot is second hand and quite big and I wasn't sure I'd find the right matress so I'm really pleased.

The person below me has started to feel their insides are squashed (me, akthough could be too much mashed potato) :D
me me me im really ready for thsi baby now im huge as about 8 ppl told me today lol just wanna be able to breath without having to stand up to make more room lol

the person below me is starting to get nervous about giving birth????? :D
LOL - very true. They give way too much information out at these antenatal classes!

The person below me knows the sex of their baby
I do now! Its a lovely squishy little wrecker......I mean a lovely little boy. :wink: :wink: :D :D :D :lol: :wink: :!:

The person below me, like me, has noticed an increase in their appetite since the weather has got darker/colder etc....
yes, i cant stop eating at the mo!
Im having 2 helping for dinner, 1 just doesnt seem enough, then an hour later im hungry again lol

but i put that down to the baby having a growth spurt rather than the change in weather.

the person below me is planning a home birth

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