Hellokitty said:
beanie said:
lol i found it online, though some say 10% others say 20%
the upshot of the article was that measles is one of the biggest killers of children in developing countries.
95% of measles fatalities occur in developing countries, which makes me coiunt my blessings that we have our NHS (no matter how much it makes me bash my head against the wall at timea)
The whole reason we live in such a disease free country with such a low child mortality rate is due to antibiotics and vaccinations. If we all stopped giving them to our children it would soon return to the kind of situation we had a hundred years ago.
Coldnt agree more, and what about children who are immunosupressed, cant have the vaccine and then go on to catch measles on top of....say....leukemia. EVERYTHING carries a risk, to the point we would stop going out if we analysed the dangers too much.
It is very much a personal decsision, both of my older girls had the mmr and freya will also be having it. I believe now that there is a much higher risk of her contracting measles mumps or german measles than her becoming autistic, and looking at the bigger picture, I think it is a far better choice than not having her immunised.
"Independent expert groups around the world, including the World Health Organisation and the Department of Health, agree that the MMR vaccination is preferable to having three separate injections.
There is no evidence to suggest that separate vaccines are safer than the MMR vaccination, and having single vaccines could put your child at risk of catching the diseases in the gaps between vaccines. The MMR vaccination gives children the best protection against catching measles, mumps, and rubella which are serious, and potentially fatal, diseases." (NHS Direct)
Single vaccines are not licensed in the UK, and have not passed the UK's safety and effectiveness testing (Bupa factsheet mmr)
http://www.healthprotection.org.uk/ncbu ... risks.html This link is a table comparing the health risks of having the vaccine and not.
Such a hard decsision to make, good luck