The MMR jab

Oliver's mummy

Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2006
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for all mummies or mummies to be will you be letting your LO have this or not? Oliver is due for his v.soon and am in 2 minds because of the autism debate whats your thoughts, would appreciate ANY advice opinions, would you say because i arent certain i shouldnt get him done? :? :?
Wasnt this on the news lately that the autism debate was all uneccessary, and the doctor that started it going to court? :?
It's just my opinion but my little lad will not be having it done. I will be looking into the other option of having them done separately, I have heard it costs a fortune but it's a little price to pay for piece of mind.

Personally I don't trust this government one bit. In America they are doing more research on it and somewhere I read they had found a link - it seems funny that over there they are prepared to look into it and they pay for their own heathcare...whereas over here it's "it's cheap and you will get what you are given and like it!"

I also feel that a babies immune system will have a difficult time dealing with the three all in one go, yes THEIR excuse is that your immune system deals with all kinds of diseases, but I bet it's never those three horrors all in one go! Also not only that, the vaccine is bound together with methy-mercury - a known nerotoxin!

It also annoys me that a doctor who may have found an important link has been ostracised (SP) and struck future will other doctors keep silent about important information for fear of the implications?

And to top it all off Tony Blair didn't have it done with his kids! As I say it's just my opinion but I would rather be safe than sorry..yes and I am a nutter because I have just replaced all my polycarbonate bottles!

As a lot of you know i have a child with autism, and understanding autism itself you know that a child is born with autism, its brain related and not something that can be caused by a vaccine.

Autism is very common, and its mostly gentic and kids can just unlukily het it - its not caused by the MMR jab!
my lillie has just had these jabs and is fine its all nonsense in my opinion xx
I think that this is a very personal point of view and a decision that only you can take. Everyone has an opinion on the MMR just like they do on breastfeeding or weaning before 17 weeks. I made the decision not to have my daughter vaccinated against MMR for my own reasons (nothing to do with the autism link) and they are the right reasons for us. Not everyone agrees with my decision but she's not their child. There is so much info out there - it hurst your head after a while but have a read round and see how you feel about it. And don't discuss it with your Dr, I just got told off :rotfl:
Baby Smile is having it. definately. No question.
Tia never had it.... but I was advised by my consultant not to let her have it. Crohns disease has been linked to the measles virus and the increase in Crohns linked to the introduction of the MMR, and I was one of the first kids in the UK to get that vaccination... My consultant said it wasn't proven... BUT.. Tia is already genetically predisposed to Crohns, so its advisable not to encourage it... so avoid the MMR. As it is we don't have the MMR here so lil miss wil have the individual, but the docs weren't happy that Tia wasn't vaccinated so got the individual ones for free when we turned up in Spain :)
Beanie I would like to ask how did you find out about where to get the three single vaccines from please.
Warley said:
Beanie I would like to ask how did you find out about where to get the three single vaccines from please.

Seren hasn't had any jabs against any of the MMR diseases at this moment in time (I would rather she didn't have any but OH wants the singles so we are still "discussing" it). I googled about what places offer the single jabs and got some info from there, and also word of mouth (I know 2 people who had the single vaccs for their children). I found it incredibly difficult to get any imformation of my Dr or HV as they kept pushing the combined jab but you may find yours is more accomodating.

Squiglet I have read about the link between MMR and bowel disorders quite a lot yet its not really something that is publisised alot over here whioch is annoying.
I don't mean to sound harsh, but after reading up for only a few minutes I've managed to find out quite a bit about this.

"In the UK, the MMR vaccine was the subject of controversy after publication of a 1998 paper by Andrew Wakefield et al. reporting a study of twelve children who had autism spectrum disorders and bowel symptoms, in many cases with onset observed soon after administration of MMR vaccine. During a 1998 press conference, Wakefield suggested that giving children the vaccines in three separate doses would be safer than a single jab. This suggestion was not supported by the paper, and several subsequent peer-reviewed studies have failed to show any association between the vaccine and autism. Administering the vaccines in three separate doses does not reduce the chance of adverse effects, and it increases the opportunity for infection by the two diseases not immunized against first. Wakefield has been heavily criticized on scientific grounds and for triggering a decline in vaccination rates, as well as on ethical grounds for the way the research was conducted.

In 2004, after an investigation by The Sunday Times, the interpretation section of the study, which identified a general association in time between the vaccine and autism, was formally retracted by ten of Wakefield's twelve coauthors. The Centers for Disease Control, the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences, the UK National Health Service and the Cochrane Library review have all concluded that there is no evidence of a link between the MMR vaccine and autism."

I don't understand why so many people still seem to follow the media hype from ten years ago that's been repeatedly scientifically debunked by so many institutions? :?

amethyst_echidna said:
I don't mean to sound harsh, but after reading up for only a few minutes I've managed to find out quite a bit about this.

"In the UK, the MMR vaccine was the subject of controversy after publication of a 1998 paper by Andrew Wakefield et al. reporting a study of twelve children who had autism spectrum disorders and bowel symptoms, in many cases with onset observed soon after administration of MMR vaccine. During a 1998 press conference, Wakefield suggested that giving children the vaccines in three separate doses would be safer than a single jab. This suggestion was not supported by the paper, and several subsequent peer-reviewed studies have failed to show any association between the vaccine and autism. Administering the vaccines in three separate doses does not reduce the chance of adverse effects, and it increases the opportunity for infection by the two diseases not immunized against first. Wakefield has been heavily criticized on scientific grounds and for triggering a decline in vaccination rates, as well as on ethical grounds for the way the research was conducted.

In 2004, after an investigation by The Sunday Times, the interpretation section of the study, which identified a general association in time between the vaccine and autism, was formally retracted by ten of Wakefield's twelve coauthors. The Centers for Disease Control, the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences, the UK National Health Service and the Cochrane Library review have all concluded that there is no evidence of a link between the MMR vaccine and autism."

I don't understand why so many people still seem to follow the media hype from ten years ago that's been repeatedly scientifically debunked by so many institutions? :?


not everyone who decides not to vaccinate their child against the mmr is doing so because of the "media hype" - I don't believe that there is a link between autism and the mmr, but I do have other doubts against the injection and what it protects against so I will not be having it done.

And at this moment in time we as parents have a choice how to bring up our children, including whether to vaccinate them or not and people will make the choice to do so or not depending on what is important to them.
There was a bit in the Sunday magazine the other day with a link to a website that offers single jabs: I had a look at they are quite pricey, and in London, so you may find something else, but poss worth a look.

I don't think that Ella will have the MMR but she will def have the individual jabs as it has to be better than getting any of these diseases. The link with autism has been disproved, but I have met someone who swears blind that their child changed over night after having the MMR and he now has autism. (I know that this is because the signs of autism often don't present until 13 months or so) Personally I don't want to risk it.
James had his MMR jabs and Logan will too. I figured that the benefits outweighed the risks, but its one of those things that people will always disagree on. Its down to personal choice :)
I am in no doubt that certain children cope very well with the MMR vaccine but it could be that certain children are more suceptible to problems than others. I too have a friend who insists her happy alert baby slipped away from within days of having the jab. My mother i law swears that OH's brothers bowel problems developed after having the vaccine... I just don't want to find out! ... lished.htm
connor will definitely be having it. i can't stand misinformed media hype :x - i work in tv journalism so i know all about that :wink: :wink:

the crohn's/bowel problems were also 'discovered' by dr wakefield in conjunction with the autism scare. they've been discounted so many times, but once the seed of doubt is sewn - :roll:

the mmr jab was actually withdrawn in japan just a few years ago, after which it was found that autism rates went UP.

i'm very conscious of what chemicals from modern day living are being absorbed into mine & my families bodies and i don't take any decisions lightly. everything, from my food to my clothes, from deodorant and shampoo to cleaning products, i consider very carefully for potential risk.

thimeresol is the mercury-containing preservative that is used in some innoculations. it ISN'T used in the mmr jab. it is, however, used in the whooping cough jab but (if it hasn't been already) will be stopped soon.

maybe some people will still not feel its worth the risk, but i do wonder whether some people here are too young to remember what a horrible (and possibly fatal) disease measles is? for me, the obvious risk of complications from catching measles, mumps or rubella will ALWAYS outweigh any spurious, badly reported and discounted research.

*steps off soapbox* ahem... :oops: :oops: :lol: :lol:
nope i am more then old enough to remember measles, rubella and mumps - had them all. Was quite ill with measles, but it came at a time when I was having all sorts of tests for food allergies, and I had been ill with that for a bit before hand so I think my poor immune system was not at its best so I didn't handle measles well.
sartet said:
for all mummies or mummies to be will you be letting your LO have this or not? Oliver is due for his v.soon and am in 2 minds because of the autism debate whats your thoughts, would appreciate ANY advice opinions, would you say because i arent certain i shouldnt get him done? :? :?

It was never an option for Dan not to have the jabs, if only to protect agaisnt the measles which are highly infectious and cause a million deaths world-wide every year :( For us the benefits far outweighed the risks, the only question was to go privately or not. After researching it relentlessly we decided to go ahead and have the MMR.

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