the earliest people have weaned there baby and why


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2011
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im just curious as to when people weaned their babies and how early on they did or how old their babies was and the reasons for it!!

i have no intentions of doing it yet as he is way too young but i honelstly cant see us lasting til 4 months never mind 6 as he is constanly hungry, we have been on hungry baby since 3w 4d and even swapped formula completly to see if that helps and nothin does we are know on 7oz of formua every 3 hrs but he can start the crying for feeds after just 2 hrs!! and this is nite time too :( dunno what else to do or try!!

so now im curious to see what thers have done with really hungry babies, and how long they have lasted, im quite prepared to go on like this although im exhausted and so is OH from all the sleepless nites and daytime feeds xx
I weaned my first at 11 weeks, she was breast feeding every hour for an hour! I stuck to baby rice til 16 weeks and plain veg/fruit til over 6 months! I spoke to my hv at the time and she said whilst she obvs couldn't advise me to so it, some babies are very obviously ready a lot earlier than guidelines!
I weaned my eldest at 13 weeks because he was so hungry he was clearly ready tho, he took to it like a duck to water but my youngest isnt so greedy and is no where near ready now at 12 weeks and will try hold out until 6 months with him.

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I started angel at 4.5 months for the same reason just hungry and like what Alice said the 6 month thing is so unrealistic for some LOs xx
I started harrison at 4 months but it was for reflux although he is a very hungry baby too!!
I weaned both of mine at 4-5 months because they were clearly ready, and I don't think the 6 month guidelines are necessarily suitable for UK children. Lewis is 4.5 months old now and can pick even the smallest thing up off my plate and eat it.
We started weaning at 16 weeks, he's never been interested in milk and was literally drinking 2oz every 90mins and was clearly still hungry! We started slowly and he loved it! He still doesn't take alot of milk now but has hollow legs most days and eats everything!!!! x
I have a hungry bf boy but managed to last until 6 months he used to feed night and day between 40 mins and 3 hours, now its every 2-3 hours at night but only a couple of day feeds as he's eating more now.
Weaned Sophie at about 16 weeks mainly due to reflux and not seeming to be satisfied by milk and then throwing it back up again.
I had a very hungry bf baby who fed literally every hour, I started him on the odd formula bottle during growth spurts and he'd easy put away 10oz in one go!!!! We waited until 6 mths to wean though as I could handle the cluster feeding and lo seemed happy with me feeding him on demand. To be honest once I started weaning it made no difference to his milk intake, I went exclusively ff at 6 mths and he was still on 7oz bottles every 2 hrs plus 3 meals and snacks until he was about 7 mths old then he gradually started dropping a cpl of bottles and now takes between 5 & 6 oz roughly 4 times a day depending on how much he's eaten.
4 1/2 months, started very slowly to see how he'd respond, he did very well and now we're on 2 puree meals a day, as well as lots of BM.
I started at 4 months there was no way we could hold off until 6 . Ruby is a piglet and loves her food xxx

The earliest I would ever wean is 6 months unless advised by a paediatrician. DS was a big baby, drank loads of milk quite often but I had done lots of research and made sure I knew the true signs of being ready to be weaned.
thanx girls

im gonna try n hold out til at least 4 months but we will see how it goes and what hv and doc say :) xx
The earliest I would ever wean is 6 months unless advised by a paediatrician. DS was a big baby, drank loads of milk quite often but I had done lots of research and made sure I knew the true signs of being ready to be weaned.

hi i aprreciate ur comments and thoughts alhough personally i dont agree with the 6 month weaning recommendation as my 10 yr old and 4yr old were both done at 4 months as that was the reommendations then and truely believe its best to start then and slowly rather then too much at 6 months!! so i wil try hold out til at least 4 months with this one as it never hurt my other two and they are both thriving, but i do appreciate we \ll have different thoughts and beleifs on weaning :) xx
My boy was a bug and hungry boy but I held out until 5,5 months and he was clearly ready then. I didnt give him baby rice as I think its not the best thing to give babies, you might as well start with vegetables and fruit. Its up to a mum but I would talk to a doctor about it.

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