The bird is back!!

xx emma xx

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2010
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Some of you might remember my thread about a bird getting in my house. Well woke up this morning and I could hear loads of banging about in the loft so I text my OH at work to tell him and he already bloody knew, he didn't want to tell me this morning cos I wouldn't have got back to sleep lol.
So now I'm in my house absolutely shitting myself. I've rushed to get ready so I can get out the house asap. The last one managed to get in our livingroom through a space in the kitchen, OH kinda covered the gap but I don't trust it. I know a lot of people are prob thinking what's the big deal but stuff like this scares me. Wouldn't be surprised if I went into early labour, I defo will if it gets through that space again.
My OH wants to open the loft hatch when he gets home and let it out a window but that creeps me out even more. Pointless thread, just thought I'd share lol xx
Oh no I hope it comes out of the loft soon and you feel safe to go back into your house. xx
awww it a iccle birdie its prob more scared than you lol
Midnight I knew you would say something like that, you seem like a brave lady.
It doesn't sound iccle, it sounds huuuuuge! Xx
Im sure it cant be that big to have gotton in there?

Maybe you should roast a chicken tonight and waft up some fumes- let it know whos boss lol :)
JUST DONT SHOW IT YOUR SCARED BECAUSE IT WILL AIM FOR YOU haha sorry couldnt resist i rescued a iccle bird from the jaws of my cat a good few months back naughty cat i felt so sorry for this bird it was bleeding too i hope it survived :(
Hahaha cherelle I might give that a try when I get home.
Midnight I can't even get a wasp out my house never mind a bird.
My OH is going to open the loft close all the doors and hope it flies out the front door, I really can't see this happening as it would need to know to fly down loft head for end of the hall turn right and fly down stairs out the door hahahaha. He can do this while I'm either not in or hiding in the bedroom xxx
Ah I feel your pain I HATE birds they terrify me! I can't even walk down the road past a pigeon. If I see one I have to cross over so it doesn't get me!!!
Ah I feel your pain I HATE birds they terrify me! I can't even walk down the road past a pigeon. If I see one I have to cross over so it doesn't get me!!!

you do realise the pigeon could easily fly over to you haha, my brother as just bought 2 chickens i cant wait to go see them lol
lol i love all animals really but you should see the seagulls here in Cardiff theyre so bloody aggresive!! x
Midnight I see you're in an evil mood today :rofl: there's been a few times a pigeon has clocked me avoiding it and started chasing me, I've ran down the road screaming haha I'm weird.
Chickens?! As a pet?! My old neighbour had chickens and a lamb as pets... We lived in a maisonette!
Omg I remember going somewhere in Wales with my sister when I was younger, walking along the beach eating an ice cream and this MASSIVE seagull swooped down and took it right out my mouth!!! Evil
Literally you cant sit outside at a restaurant here and not get attacked! Theyre proper nasty things!
pigeons taste nice :) ive eaten 1

what's the worse they could do?? peck you now if it was a vulture those you've got to watch as they will eat you just don't play dead now if you bump into a bear they say to play dead i don,t think id like to test this theory though but if you come across a spider its ok to scream as loud as you can because they are scary and they could eat you ok i lied a little they cant eat you but they are still scary, my ex told me once that most people have eaten a spider during their sleep as they crawl into your mouth(bet your not going to sleep well tonight now are you) :rofl:

p.s i,m not evil all the time just on the odd occasion :)
ah a bird will be ok. just hide away in your bedroom like you said if you dont like it.

midnight it is true. apparently you can eat up to 7 in a lifetime in your sleep. freaks me out. xxx
ah a bird will be ok. just hide away in your bedroom like you said if you dont like it.

midnight it is true. apparently you can eat up to 7 in a lifetime in your sleep. freaks me out. xxx

if your going to hide in your bedroom then might i suggest you don't lock the door just incase it decides to peck through the ceiling have you seen how thin ceilings are? unless there is woodchip on your ceiling then you ok as a charging bull couldn't break through that stuff once its got a good few years of paint on it.

i've not ate any yet i sleep with my mouth closed, well thats what i like to believe anyway
lol my dad woke up a couple of years ago gagging on a spider. xxx
A spider crawled over my face about a year and a half ago when I was in bed. I was traumatised!!!!

And midnight stop being so evil haha.

The bird wasn't there, my OH has assured me there's no nest, thinks there's a space and it's just got trapped for a while, I am not convinced, if I wake tomorrow to a flapping bird I'll freak out. I've had a very jumpy day, kept getting chased by wasps :( xxx
when i was little i was walking down the street and i must of walked into a web and there was this tiny little spider sat on my shoulder well me being me thought i could run away from it and ended up running into the back of a parked car and busting my lip open :( ive also had 1 crawl over me in bed they make me feel physically sick

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