Test is lighter today..


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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Hi ladies,

Wasnt sure where to post this thread so I figured id stick it in here for now seeing as though I havnt had chance to move to Tri 1 yet!

I had run out of HPT's so I decided to nip out now and buy the exact same ones I got my lines on yesterday and they are not as dark today :(

Infact they are extremely faint and the line only came up after the time specified (20 mins later rather than straight away) :wall2::wall2::wall2::wall2:

I keep getting a weird pain in my stomache which then travels up to my shoulder which started this morning, alls I keep thinking is ectopic..

I have very strong like AF cramps and horrendously achey boobs.. Oh and severely snappy today! All the signs AF is on her way...



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Nope, didnt get any as my funds where limited. :( x

The test above is a Clear & Simple one xx
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Maybe your pee was just more diluted today hun xx
Only just saw ur bfp post and then I saw this!
Dont panic hun... could just be ur pee was too diluted.
I'd say go out and get yourself a FR as soon as you can.
Achy boobs is a GOOD sign and I have had some form of cramping everyday!
Try not to worry... get that FR or digi when u can xxxx
I agree with Jomc! Lots of luck to you hun! Hope it sorts out for you!
hello hunny, i think you need to try and get a fr or digi if you can xx
Just done a digital.. Not Pregnant..


Im blaming the tests, but really I think its me!

Im so confused!

OH has banished all tests and I have no money so I am unable to purchase any behind his back either. He thinks im stressing myself out to much. :(

I will update you all as soon as I know. He said he is only going to let me test when I am actually late from now on. Suppose he is right :)

oh i'm so sorry hunny, i feel so awful for you and those horrible tests picking up something. have you been to the docs about your fertility hunny?! its so weird they are picking up hcg!? that's the same thing that happened to maybe baby!? really strange xx anyway, you are not out til af arrives xx
Yeah hun, you aren't out til she arrives. If you are pg its very early days, and to do a digi at this time of night with diluted wee, it might not show up at all xx
Ahhh hunny I know how you feel I got a false positive last month it is heart breaking.

I will be keeping everything crossed that the digi was wrong apparently they are not as sensitive as some tests so you shouldn't feel out just yet xx
Hi Hun the digi ones are only 55% accurate 4 days before af is due fingers crossed or you xx
I agree with the others, maybe your wee was too diluted. It's best to test in the morning! x x
I got told by a pharmacist that if my digital tests says i'm not pregnant, not to worry because they get a lot of women in there who get positive tests but negative digi's and turns out they are actually pregnant.

Don't want to raise your hopes up but just thought you'd like to know.
I was terrified my digi would say not pregnant.

Good luck xxx
I don't think a pregnancy test would indicate ectopic Loopy, the amount of hCG detected by a hpt is too insignificant in the scheme off things.

I'm really sorry that the CB Digi came back not pregnant, but you are only 12 or 13 DPO? You still have a couple of days for it to get better.

I think it is more important to still be having a line, not whether it is more faint or not.

CB digi's aren't very sensitive especially before a missed period :hug:
I agree hun, try again, maybe in a couple of days with fmu, that line picked up something didn't it xx
Awww I <3 you girls :D

I have given myself a kick up the backside and cheered right up now with thanks to all you guys :)

Guess your right about the digitals too, done a lot of research since some of you mentioned it.

Soooo... *twiddles thumbs* .. what do I do with myself in the meantime lol...

Oh the wait must be horrible!
Hope you get some answers soon. Like the others said, as long as that dirty dirty witch stays away, you're still in with a chance :) xxx

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