Need a little bit of a rant!! *Warning big Rant*


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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Hi Girls,

I really need a rant today!! Im in such a bad mood! 10 days late and I have no signs of AF at all, no pains, absolutely squiggly squat nothing! I just wish I would either get a BFP or my AF so i am not stuck in limbo anymore!

I have had quite bad on and off sicky feelings today and yesterday and constant headaches which are not helping my mood! To top it off im getting a cold.. Great.. And just to add the cherry on the top of the cake I have quit smoking this week and could quite possibly go literally headbutt my wall!:wall2:
I actually just shouted at my poor Rufus the puddy cat for robbing my place on the couch! Poor cats getting the brunt of my mood instead of OH as he is working away.

(On a lighter note I have gone 3 days without a cig - which may suggest my mood swings and feeling sick.. either that or AF is hiding round the corner)

I have been trying to symptom spot.. So far I have had:

Headaches on and off
Feeling incredibly sick whilst stomache is empty (head down the toilet in work yesterday morning :( )
Face full of spots (not like me to get so many at once!!)
Very touchy, emotional and moody
Very watery CM
High Cervix

My thighs have been killing me for 2 days now but I think im going to blame my pengiun like walking to save myself from falling over in the snow/ice for those pains!

Anyway sorry for my rant.. Woohhh I feel better now!!

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Aaaaaw honey thats awful.....I really feel for you..... Sending you the biggest hug ever! Have you ever been this late? Perhaps a trip to doctor in order..... Hope your rant helped a bit, Im here for you....
Rant away! So horrible to be stuck in limbo, I've got everything crossed for you!
Some people don't get a BFP for ages so hang in there :hugs: Xx
It sure did!! I feel loads better now!! The cat has cuddled back up to me now so he must have felt my mood lift too lol.

I have be known to be late and have irregular cycles when I came off the depo injection a long time ago, but my cycles eventually got back to normal and seemed to be quite short and regular since (apart from a little glitch in october where I had a 14 day cycle ( I think it was 14 days.. I left my diary in work where I have made all my notes).. thats been the only off cycle I have had in a long time now..

I would go to my doctors but they are fully booked up until after xmas!! From previous experience my doctors are a complete waste of time aswell! I am only allowed a 5 minute time slot when I do make an appointment and in that short space of time I am only allowed to ask one thing otherwise I have to make another appointment! (Sorrrryyy im off on another rant now arnt I lol)
Ohhh did she? Where is Linx? Shes been quiet recently!!

She certainly did, quite a few BFNs on tests & her mum took her to doctors & she got her BFP :) so there defo lots of hope for you hun :)

I just googled (ouch I know) and it is saying it is a 1% chance of being pregnant after 18dpo and had a BFN...
Google should be banned!!!! lol
Another symptom is getting a cold so u can add that to ur list too! I read somewhere that when women are pregnant the body protects the baby and says sod u so u r more prone too colds etc! Not sure if it's true but hey ho u can hope!! :) xxx
im hereeee
my mum in hospital really poorly im having to run two houses look after my son and my brother :( im also really poorly with this naff flu myself :cry:
yeah i was 9 weeks !!!!! mad i know but i never even had a faint line!!!! not one! and i spot bled when period was due !!!
mum didnt take me though i took myself n then my mum shouted at me when i told her she was kinda expecting it as shed brought me alot of the tests
so your deffo not out until the witch gets you and i also had not one symptom not one!!!!
i got my BFP then all the symptoms hit me at once n yak did i feel ill :(
good luck lou xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
So not the cold weather then positivity?? Nahhhhhh let's say it's a symptom!!
Ohh wow linx that story leaves me with a bit of hope now!!

Bless you running two homes!! I hope evetybodys behaving and your coping ok?? Hope your mum is feeling better very soon too!!

I'm going to re test on Xmas day girls .. I'm joining the Xmas day gang hehe!!
no one is behaving there all excited for crimbo....and yer iv got to cope lol.
mums still not aloud home today :cry:
i went and did mums food shopping at asda at 2 am and to say im tired is playing it down im exhausted didnt get in and it all packed away until 6am then off to bed i went and alfie woke up at 8 :cry:
iv now got to play santa and take all of alfies presses from mine to mums tonight get then wrapped and hid before he wakes up tomorrow morning and also do a bit more shopping i forgot some of mums shopping :( good luck louise x x x
Oh Minxie that sounds like it is really exhuasting you hun, is there nobody in the family that can help you? Hope your mum gets better soon. x x
Sorry you're having a crappy time Louize :(

1% chance of being pregnant after 18dpo and had a BFN...

That's actually quite a handy statistic i thought :)

i hope you get some clarity soon - before xmas anyway :hug: I'd test xmas eve.
Haha Thanks Louise,
Although I got atleast one of my wishes ( however it was not my preferred one ) - you'd have thought I'd have come to work prepared with my totm items... But Ohhh no.. Silly me has nearly wiped the office out of toilet roll!! ( tmi sorry) !!!
Hope you're ok Louize hun, gutted to hear AF caught up with you. :( x x

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