Terrible News from Doctors


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2010
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I was doing tests with opks and the LH was always high I mean like nearly dark as the control line....had bloods on Monday.

Tests show that I am in menopause. Less than 1% chance of conceiving naturally, fertility treatment wont work so no chance of that.

I really honestly wish all you of you well, I hope you all get your BFPs you all fully deserve. Take care of yourselves, I will miss you girls so much as obviously I cant stay here. Thank you for your kindness love and support over these difficult months, for holding me when I was scared and easing my fears and caring enough to write back to my questions and obsessions, and to you POAS Addicts out there, give it some for me.

Much love to you all
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omg im so so so sorry
this made me cry :(
awww im so sorry i dont know what to say to you hun, lifes a bitch sometimes
deals the good people a crappy hand.
all my love to you and OH jodie x x x x
Oh no!....

So sorry to hear that Hun, I don't know what to say. :hugs:

Are you sure you can't have IVF, I think you can? Maybe not for free though?

You have a little girl already don't you? I'm glad if you do.

Take care of yourself and I hope you can still have a lovely Xmas and New Year.

Oh Gem. I'm so sorry hun, I really don't know what to say. :cry:

I'm actually really shocked for you hun, all I can offer you is a massive, massive hug and a shoulder to cry on if you need it. :(

I wish you and your OH all the best in the future, you're a lovely woman and I'm going to miss you very much. :(

Take care of yourself hun, I hope you still pop in from time to time.

x x x
MaybeB - yes thank god, my little boy Jude is lovely and I couldnt adore him more, its the best thing I have ever done. They wont give me ivf my levels are just too extreme, its not early menopause, Im in it now :-(. I just knew something was wrong. I feel sick. Thankyou so much all of you for being lovely to me and helping me in my difficult journey. God it just hurts so much I feel like my heart is breaking...

Love to you all
Corinne x
Oh my God, this is awful news! :( I am so sorry that it has come to this.
Take care and I wish you luck in all you do. :hugs:
made me cry too :(

am so sorry to hear this , god made us then takes what away what our bodies are suppose to do wish you all the best for the future :) xxxx
So sorry hun! so sad for you, sending you a big hug!!!!

Take care. x x x
So sorry to hear this. What a horrible thing to find out.

All the best for the future hun & you know where we all are if you ever just want to talk. :hugs:
i'm so sorry to read this terrible news, i can't begin to imagine how you feel. sending you lots of hugs, hope you and OH can support each other through this horrible time. take care babe xxxx
Really, really sorry to hear your news.xxxxxxxxxxxx
Corinne, sending you love and light and I hope you dont feel too awful for too long. Everyone of us here would be devastated at that and we totally understand why you wouldnt be around anymore, but go knowing that you have people here who care and wish you well. All the very best xxxxxxxxx
I'm so, so sorry to read this hon and am thinking of u whilst in tears for u here. Big hugs and take care x x x x
Hi Corinne, just really repeating what everyone has said.

Take care, you know where we are xxx
Don't even know what to say, am totally in shock for you!
God... sending you massive hugs and also a shoulder to cry on or ear to bend, or anything to offer a bit of comfort.
So sorry Corinne, such sh1te news :-( x
Don't know what else to say that hasn't already been said...except that I really feel for you and your family....Take care


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