Tena lady anyone?


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2008
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Oh i can see its going to be my week for these threads!!!
Had a lovely bath and got into some veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery sexy jim jams ready for an early night (nudge nudge :rotfl: )
Was sat in the lounge and felt a sneeze coming on, sneezed and oooops bit of a gush!
Rushed to the loo and i was soaked!!!!! Have cleaned up and put non sexy jim jams on now :cry:
Please tell me someone else has done this too!!!!
Awwwwwwww! :rotfl: but :hug:

Not experienced it yet but waiting ready hahaha.
:hug: :hug: Awww my sympathies, I haven't had the pleasure yet but I'm sure it won't be long until he is bouncing on my bladder :lol:
:rotfl: Aww hun, what a shame! Not the best start to getting in the mood for some nudge nudge tonight! I'm sat here doing some pelvic floor exercises for fear of this now!
Sarah x
dont panic :shock: , it could have been a bit of water that was trapped in your hoo-ha from having a bath - it can get in and stay there until you sneeze or go to the loo :roll: :roll:
Hello :wave:

Im only 9 weeks pg and I already have a similar problem :oops: Im suffering from bad morning sickness and everytime I am sick I feel like I am going to do a little pee!! :oops: :oops: Being sick whilst clutching yourself is just not very glam! :(
i had a sneeze/wee a couple of weeks ago, i just make sure that i keep my bladder nice and empty as i was needing to go when it happened.

Panty liners are 2nd tri necessity anyway so always have one of these on!
Hi hun,

Sorry if im wrong, but do you already have a child? I do and I am experiencing this problem too and its not nice :( .

Believe you me I took all the advice of pelvic floor exercises but I still seem to have this problem preggo or not and I think its more common than women want to admit! But its a small sacrafice for a bundle of joy! :rotfl:

Take care
Kathy x
I'm not getting it when I sneeze but I am getting a dribble when I cough :oops:

I've taken to wearing pantyliners as a matter of course now and I'm trying to make sure I do my pelvic floor excersizes as a matter of routine now.
YES YES YES!!!!! This happened to me the other day (luckily in the house not at work!) and i'm so glad im not the only person in the world it happened to! i was going to post to see but was too ashamed! so thank god someone else had the courage to!!!
i'm now going to the toilet every half hour or so to make sure my bladder isn't too full! :oops: :oops:
I havnt had this yet, i think i'm more likely to get it after the birth if at all.

I did worry about it but i've only had excess discharge so far.

What i wanna know is how you managed to make sexy PJ's look sexy! I tried on some quite a while back and he laughed at me cos my belly jsut fell out the front!! :roll:
Pantyliners - my new best friend.

Hasnt happened to me yet but I know it is coming at some point...
i have this too...and i have hayfever, i feel like im wearing a nappy as im sanitary towelled up at the mo :9 know how u feel xx

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