Temp Charting


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
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Hey all,

I'm new to this game and would like a little advice about temp charting / ovulation.

I've been charting my dates and ov symptoms but really really don't want to pay the money out for OPKs as just moved house and skint!:shock:

So my question is how do I chart my temperature and how does this help? This may seem such a silly question and I could probably google but really wanted some real life answers!!! If it doesn't really help is it better to bite the bullet and just buy the OPKs?

I'm currently on first month of SMEP as I don't really know when I ovulate so though BDing lots throughout the month is the best bet (and guessing when I ov based on symptoms).

As it stands CD1 ws 4th Nov and my predicted ov dates are 20-23rd Nov.

Help! :confused:
Hello and welcome

I myself do not chart (although thinking I might start) I use opk. I know what you mean about the cost of them, I get mine online which OS a lot cheaper I them get the expensive clear blue digi but only use when I get what I think is a positive - just to be sure!

With temp charting all I know is that you must test as soon as you wake up before you do anything. I think quite a few chart on here so I am sure lots of advice will be coming your way!

Good luck and sending baby dust

Like KMG has said you have to temp as soon as you wake, so buy a digital temp from local chemist there about £3 if you dont have one already. Leave it in hands reach at side of bed so you ( DONT ) have to get up to get it. You must take your temp as soon as you wake this means NO talking, getting up, brushing teeth, having a drink, needing the toilet. So its first thing in the morning. Then if you have a chart or want one you can use ( fertility friends.com ) they do online temp charts. You can also write what symptoms you have on there graph too like cm ewcm cervix checking & by inputting your every day symptoms the chart will pick up when you ovulated better too. You will see a temp drop before ovulation & temp rise after ovulation. Onc you do your chart ( if at fertility friend ) you can post it by saving the picture & we will be able to give you advice if your confused about the chart :) xx
loads on info on here - http://www.fertilityfriend.com/Faqs/

best advise i can give is

- use good software - Fertility friend or TCOYF
- be consistent with what time you take temp - even 30mins difference can make a difference
- take your temp along with charting cervical mucus, software likes a few ways to confirm ovulation.

Like star says -do NOTHING before takng temp -my alarm goes off i stick my arm out of duvet, grab themometer, stick it in mouth and stay completeyl still till it bleeps. Hubby laughs at me but if you dont stick to the rules ridgedly it is not worth doing!!

Good luck!!
Thanks ever so much guys, I think I'm just a bit daunted by all the self monitoring I'm probably oging to have to do. I think I'll see how things go this month and as our chance of conceiving in the first month are fairly slim I'll probably start temping from CD1.

There's so much to think about!! :wall2:
the first month is confusing and i was always referring to the websites etc but honestly ive only been doing it for 4 months properly now and it is second nature. I spent some time lookijg at other people charts and understanding the signs and everytihng and it really helped http://www.tcoyf.com/media/21/default.aspx
hey iv been temp charting but paper charts by my bed. got new phone now that i can download apps etc on....is there an app i can use as im sure iv seen someone mention it on here before?

not sure bellarina - try the 2 mian ones - TCOYF fertiltiy friend. good luck!!
not sure bellarina - try the 2 mian ones - TCOYF fertiltiy friend. good luck!!

Bellarina - I have Fertility Friend on my iPhone and it really is good - in fact, I prefer to use the app rather than the website, and you can chart everything - temperature, ov symptoms, sex, bleeding, CM etc.

Would definitely recommend :thumbup:

Jolly xxx

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