

Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2010
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Hi girls,

I know there are probably already threads on this but thought I would put a fresh one.

I really, really want to avoid tearing, or having to be cut during labour (presuming all is ok for normal delivery) and have heard that massaging almond oil into the perineum is supposed to help. Has anyone else heard this or is going to or has done it? I am just wondering if it works? With just over 12 weeks to my due date, I think now would be the time for me to think about doing this to make the skin more supple.

If anyone has done that already, how often do you need to do it?


Not sure how often you're meant to do it but I know you can get special perineum massage cream from mothercare xx
Oh, I didn't know that. Will have to look into it! Its not so much the pain of the actual tear/cut that I don't like. It the thought of the residual pain after and the length of time it takes to heal that I don't like. I don't want to be sitting on a bag of ice for days after giving birth or shooting 10 feet in the air when I go for a pee!

I had a very bad 3rd degree tear when I had my baba and although uncomfortable, the pain killers that they gave me made eveything feel fine. I had no problems going to the toilet, just a little bit of an ache when I sat down :)

As for the massage, I didn't do it and got this horrendous tear so maybe it would be worthwile trying it! I'm definately going to do it next time. It was either that or the fact that a) my baby had a huge head and b) I had forceps, lol!

Nasty!! That is what I want to avoid if possible!

The massage definitely sounds worth a try I think! :)

I have never massaged i didnlt tear or anythinwith my 1st 4 but my last i got a 2nd to 3rd degree tear, midwife said it was from speed of delivry but i believe it was from having no midwife with me when i had him, my best advice would always be listen to midwife pant whe se says and push when she says, also anything worth a try if it cant cause harm. I think i will tear again abut only because my son is only 14 months old so haven't given ,yself proper time to recover but I am hoping I am wrong.
In my book it says that the special perineum oil you can buy is just the same as using any other oil. Im deffo going to try it with almond oil - theres a bit of a technique though as its morr about stretching the skin in that area making it more supple so make sure you read up on it before you do it. My book says for it to be effective do it for the last 4 weeks of your pregnancy every day x

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