I think I'm more annoyed because a friend who's married claims as a single parent for her 2 kids and gets around £200 a week! QUOTE]
how is she getting that as i get £242 a week for 4 children but that includes a severe disability element too and if she is claiming as a single person then she will also get income support i dont know how much the amount is for a single person as we get deductions from ours because we recieve carers allowance its rediculous does her dh work too???
the government should be helping working families rather than penalising them
She said to me afew months ago that she gets just under 200 a week! Her husband has his own business too!
Whenever I say I'm skint, she says just pretend you've kicked Tim out. Everyone does it!!
That p**sed me off even more with what she's doing, is she was encouraging others to do it!!