Tax Credits Help....again!


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2013
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Hubby has just been offered a job, better for his back (no heavy lifting) and closer to home. BUT he would have to take a major pay decrease. At the moment he brings home £300 p/w as a delivery driver, but has been offered £240 p/w by this local company. Its like teenagers wages!! But a 4 day week so he could find work for the other day hopefully to make it up??!!

We are struggling to make the decision, £240 per week would leave us with £4 after a £50 p/w food shop to play chinese takeaways anymore :sad::sad:

Also in his current job there are opportunities to earn a tonnage bonus in the winter, this can equate to about £50 p/w.

With the new job offer comes the added that hubby will learn a trade, and one of the owners is retiring in two years time, so they are looking to employ someone that can take the helm when that happens. Better prospects than driving a lorry!

So I have done a tax credits calculation online and it saying that we would only get £50 per month, the same as we are receiving now CONFUSED!!

What do you reckon ladies does this sound right?
(have tried to phone the helpline they keep cutting me off!!!)
I think its more to do with previous earnings and contributions than your current circumstances x
Thats what I have always thought and confuses me hugely. I called them a month ago, long story but I put a claim in just before the end of the last tax year, so had to give figures for 2012/2013 instead of 2013/14. So called them to update after the start of new tax year to give figures for 13/14, the advisor said they could take historic figures and had to work forward, so took projected figures for 2014/15......arrggghhhhhh!!! NIGHTMARE
They work off last years figures... Unless you have a big change (I think more than 2k?). My income is changing this year dramatically because of mat leave (something like £13k extra!) so I CAN claim on last years (and with the childcare we pay when I'm back working, that'd be a huge amount they'd pay), but I'll owe them money at the end of the year.

They don't make tax credits easy to understand. I'm an accountant, and I haven't got a clue what they're doing!!! X

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