taste tested...


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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aptimil formula!

im sorry, i hav to say having tasted my own breast milk which is sweet and like marzipan, the formula tasted sour in comparison!

but, millie seems to like it, so it doesnt matter i guess!

i always taste millie's food- bless i gave her a jar called "taste of pumpkin" and she was pulling some big tequila faces so i tried it and i could see why! :puke: mingin!

does anyone else taste their babys food & milk?!
i always taste my nieces jars!!!! :rotfl: some of them are yummy but others are rank!!!! i love farleys rusks too!
The smell of formula put me off and I can't understand how poppy can gulp it down so quickly...yuk!! Yep I have also had a taste of breastmilk, surely everyone is curious and it does taste so much better. Poppy is coming off boobie for good this weekend so just formula and water for her....poor girl!!

I did have a taste of her turkey and vegetable casserole today and it didn't taste too bad. I absolutely love her oat porridge, I finish it for her when she has had enough. Yummy!
i taste things too lol. i kinda think if i expect him to eat /drink it i shud at least make sure it isnt that awful :D
i love the hipp fruity things- banana & peach, banana & mango, red fruits, william christ pears.... mmm!
i dont mind helping her when she struggles with those! (altho she doesnt, she likes them too!)
midna said:
trixipaws said:
aptimil formula!

im sorry, i hav to say having tasted my own breast milk which is sweet and like marzipan, the formula tasted sour in comparison!

but, millie seems to like it, so it doesnt matter i guess!

i always taste millie's food- bless i gave her a jar called "taste of pumpkin" and she was pulling some big tequila faces so i tried it and i could see why! :puke: mingin!

does anyone else taste their babys food & milk?!

I tasted my breast milk I was gutted it didnt taste of marzipan ...please tell me what you eat lol ..mine tasted like very watered down cow milk :( ...not that she complains but fs was kinda hopin I tasted sweet not sour lol.

my milk is probably very sweet because my diet is. i eat loadsa cereal, fruit, sweets and choc ( :oops: ), and drink lots of tea with milk and honey, pepsi and cherry coke!
I think Imogens forula tastes nice, its fairly sweet and she loves it and I always taste the food befoe ilet her have it, if i dont like it she wont have it!
Formula tastes rank :puke: DS has one bottle a day, before he goes to bed, it's minging! I hate the smell of it too.

I don't like the taste of jarred food, they're pretty bland and uninteresting. When we had to taste one of them when going through airport security DH did the deed :lol:

I remember loving my sisters rusks and was gutted when I found out how much sugar was in them because then I never gave the normal ones to DD or DS, they had the low sugar gluten free ones which were :puke:
I thought my milk tasted sugary too, but like trixi, its probably because I can't stop eating cr*p!

Valentine Xxx
My milk tastes sugary too but I don't eat cakes or drink fizzy drinks?! Anyway, I also hate the smell and taste of formula but Danica doesn't seem to mind at all. I know I should feel happy about the fact that she likes eating it but in a perverse way I feel let down: I guess deep down I want her to dislike formula because it doesn't come from me?! How crazy is that?! :rotfl: It must be from all those sleepless hours :rotfl:
sma gold!

its slightly nicer than aptamil but a bit more watery. and still nowhere near as nice as my breastmilk! lol

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