im pants at weaning!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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i started introducing millie to food at 17 weeks coz she'd started waking in the nite again. i just gave her a few spoonfuls of jar of veg/fruit or baby rice. but as it made no difference to her nite waking i'v kinda tapered off a bit, some days ill give her solids other days i wont bother.

but as shes approaching 6 months now i really need to start doing it properly. but it seems so overwhelming, i dont kno what to give her and when, and what do do about the breast-feeds. im also planning on gradually moving her milk feeds over to formula so that when i return to work in feb i can cut out the daytime BF, and maybe by spring ill hav stopped BF altogether.

and i just dont kno where to start. help!
The Annabel Karmel books are good, they've got some great recipes and are a good guide to weaning. TBH I didn't enjoy weaning with either of my two and it's only now that DS is having 3 meals a day and has boob and snacks in between meals that I feel like we're sorted! As she's a bit older have you tried her with finger foods? DD ate pretty much all self fed finger foods, she was really good with them.
With DD I started her off with strips of toast, rice cakes, big pieces of banana, pear, avocado, batons of carrots/parsnips, brocolli trees. Does she sit up in a highchair? If so then put a selection of bits in front of her and let her explore them with her hands and try to feed herself. Don't be tempted to put them in her mouth, let her try to do it. The first thing I gave to Ella was some raw carrot to gnaw on when she was in her bumbo, I let her take it from my hand. That was more for teething, for DS I steam all his veggies til they're soft, but still firm enough to withstand being squished to death :lol:
I started by giving Kate solids at lunch time, just simple things like mashed potato with unsalted butter. She also loved apples and pears pureed then mixed with a bit of baby rice and milk. Now Millie is 6 months what about giving her some petit filous things? No fuss and if shes anything like Kate she will love them! I also found the packets of heinz and hipp baby cereals were pretty good, again you just mix them with milk and they are ready to eat. Or a mashed banana is good too, and supposedly it helps them if they have an upset tummy. I think weaning can be a bit of a pain in the arse at times but its only the first few months that are difficult, Kates just turned 1 and she can eat mostly the same food as us which is great! If I remember rightly I would give Kate milk for breakie, mashed potato or similar for lunch and then baby cereal at tea time (when she was about 6 months - and with a mid morning and mid afternoon milk feed to obviously!)
I started Matilda at 5 months, she has her bottle in the mornings, then a type of custard thingy (they call it crema here), at lunch, then fresh pureed fruit for tea and another bottle before bed. This last week I have started her on pureed fruits mixed with cacy cereal for lunch and then sweet potato and if she wants it some fresh pureed fruit at tea, she is still having at last 3 bottles a day,

you'll get there, I'm worried she's not having enough but she's not crying so must be ok!

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