Talking (13 month old)


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2014
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Hi ladies,

My little boy is just 13 months old and he doesn't say any actual words. He understands things when we talk to him and he will get things we ask for (a certain book, dummy, drink, toy) and the only verbal communication he does is 'oh' when he drops something/ throws something) but he doesn't say mama or dada and isn't yet walking unaided (even though he could he just doesn't have the confidence to let go of the one finger)!

Am I over reacting or is this normal?

I know he understands us and he does lots of sounds (clicking, blowing raspberries, making noises in different pitches and speeds) but nothing that is a word relating to anything.

I'm just hoping one day a few come at once!!! :)

Just wanted some advice from other mummies! Xx
Hiya selina! Joel has only these past couple of weeks started to come on with words really but only has a few he says consistently or when prompted. But like your boy understands instruction etc. I understand that this is quite important. He also makes lots of noises so it's all just practising speech. Think it's just the same with all the developmental milestones that they all do it at their own pace. He also isn't walking unaided, I think boys are lazy! x
13 months is still early for talking, I think they are supposed to have a certain number of words by 2 so I wouldn't be worried at all. My first walked at 14 months, and I know plenty that were a fair bit later. Completely normal xx
Yes, it's completely normal. My daughter is the same age and what you've described for both walking and talking is identical! My daughter is a bum shuffler so gets round a lot faster on her bum than trying to walk!Although over the last few days she's started to take about 4/5 steps unaided. She had her review with the health visitor on Friday and they don't said they expect them to babble and same mama, dada etc but for it not to be in context. x
My 13 month old has only just started walking properly with his walker, and only started crawling in January! He's quite a lazy boy! He makes lots of sounds and babbles but doesn't say anything specifically. I think they are still quite young and I'm not concerned and the health visitor didn't seem concerned at his 12 month review :)
My cousins little girl didn't say a word until pretty much the day she turned 3 but after that she said everything. It was as though she had processed everything before saying it. She's seven now and the cleverest in her class by far. She's so eloquent! She was telling me that she liked school dinners but " there are far too many carbohydrates" I couldn't help but smile.
I would say there's absolutely nothing to worry about at the moment.
My little girl is coming up for 16 months and she's saying the odd word but not much at all...she understands what u say but just doesn't want to bother to speak yet...They get there in their own time just feels like forever waiting to hear them make a little sentence!
My friends little boy didn't really start talking properly until he was over 2, and even though she raised it her HV wasn't overly concerned.
Caleb is 13 months old and has taken a few steps but isn't really bothered about crawling. He can say a few words (woof for dog, toast, mama and dada and we think he's saying car now as well) but largely it's still just a lot of babble and noises. Like your wee one he understands a lot more compared to what he can say. I'm sure boys are meant to naturally be slightly lazier...I'm worried I haven't even thought to be worried lol!! It clearly also shows how desperately my OH wants a dog (he points out every dog we pass and they dog spot at the window) and that we possibly feed Caleb too much toast lol! xx
My eldest walked at 14 months and still isn't really talking. He says yes, no, uh oh, mum, mo (for more) and that's it. He's nearly 2 now! I think will suddenly start yapping soon. Try not to worry, they get there eventually :)

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My LO is 2 and says nothing apart from mummy and car. They say boys are lazy and HV said at his 2 year check up that it's not uncommon for some children to be late talkers. He understands everything I say to him, he just won't talk
Thanks everyone all of your comments have been so reassuring! :) x
Bee only says one word 'mummmmeeee' and that is said about a million times a day.

James was a late talker and I remember being really concerned when he was about 21m. He now had a vocabulary that astounds people (sorry that sounds quite boastful but he has a vocabulary well beyond a 3 year old)

I'm not at all concerned about Bee, she is a smart cookie and she knows exactly how to tell us what she wants.

13m is still pretty young. Bee is definitely more of a "physical" baby she was walking by 11.5 months.... she is too busy causing mayhem to talk ha ha.


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