Tablets don't bloody work :(


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2010
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This has been THE worst month :wall2:

AF arrived in FULL flow on Thursday pm/ Friday and pain began Friday pm. We went out for a meal and to the cinema and everything was fine. I'd started taking the tables for bleeding Wed pm and started the tablets for the pain on Thursday pm so i was covered.

I took my pain relief tablets at 6pm, thinking i'd be fine and wouldnt need my next till bed time. But half way through the film my stomach started cramping up real bad, which i could deal with whilst i was sat down. When the film finished and we were walking back to the car i doubled over in pain and could feel myself bleeding through my tampon :cry: i cried my eyes out and my OH looked petrified and walked me back to the car, it even hurt to sit down. When we got home i went to the loo to change my tampon and put my PJ's on and the toilet looked like a blood bath and i was sobbing my eyes out so much my OH said if i wanted to go back onto the pill to ease my periods we could try for a baby later on as he didnt want to see me like that ever again.

I took my last set of tablets for the day and cocodamol and thought they'd kick in after an hour so i could sleep, but i had the worst night then had to compete with work :(

I'm gutted, my stomach is still swollen and tender to touch, the bleeding has eased wether thats due to the tablets or just nearing the end i dont know.

I'm requesting a morphine drip for my next AF :( xxxx
Sorry to hear your in so much pain, Those tablets worked for my sister for the pain alittle I think but her flow was still the same. Hugs x
Sounds awful! I dont know if Ive missed a post or something but what is it that is causing your pain Chaz and what are the tablets?
Man, that sounds hideous. Poor you xx
Theres a post called my prescription somewhere hun with the tablets im on. They were prescribed by my consultant to reduce bleed and pain :(
I'm so sorry Chaz :hug:

Have you ever measured the amont of blood you produce?

I think it would be a good idea to record it (even though it sounds gross) so that you have something to compare with the general public that you can tell your doctor about.

Get yourself one of those mooncups and use it next cycle. Record the weight of an empty bowl and then put all of your period into the bowl and when you have finished your period, weigh the bowl again and see what it says xx
Oh Chaz bless you I am sorry these tablets have not worked. Normal period pain can be horrible but this sounds so horrendous. Is this because of your PCOS?? I think I would be frustrated over what is causing it every month. Do u think it could be fibroids? My friend had them and it made her bleed terribly every month. I am sure you have thought about and you have had a scan so only a suggestion. She has had them removed now and it has changed her life. Also like Lou said keep a note of your bleeds. Sending you hugs xxxxxx
Oh love, that is horrendous and so unfair. :hugs: fx you get it sorted soon xx
Aww sorry Chaz, get an appointment with your gp that can't be normal. Have you had a hysteroscopy or endometrial biopsy? Also what was your lining thickness on your scans?? Was it thicker than it should be?

Sorry you're having a rubbish time Chaz. Did your specialist mention endometriosis? That can cause heavy periods and pain, but needs a laparoscopy to diagnose. Might be worth asking to see what she thinks. Glad it has eased off now chick xxx
Oh chaz poor you :-( Def go back to the doctor about the tablets xxx
Chaz I'm so sorry the pills aren't working! :-( Sounds horrendous! Really feel for you, you were so positive it's crap to be set back like this. Hugs honey :hug:
I have my appt on Wed for my HyCosy so im gonna quiz them on stuff as i think its endo.

Maybe - my last scan i had in Sept my womb thickness was 8mm on Clomid, not sure what 'normal' is.

Its eased off now, although im still on cocodamol so i can get on with life. Tablets seem to have pushed all bleeding into 1 day rather than heavy across 3 days, so i guess thats a bonus xxx
Glad you are feeling a bit better now Chaz, but gosh you poor thing! It's not fair for you to siffer like that.

Sounds like it could possibly be endometriosis, I hope your Dr is able to help next week


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