Me and my partner are trying to conceive for the past 4 months now.I recently started taking folic caid tablets as was suggested to me by few of my friends.
For the past few days i have been having sharp pain in my boobs specially around the nipple area.It hurts on any kind of contact.I also have had some cramping and been a bit constipated.
Could it be because of the tablets that i am taking or could they be the early signs(which i doubt as i am just 6 days past O)?Also can they cause constipation sometimes?Did anyone experience any of these?should i stop taking these tablets?
Please Help!!
Me and my partner are trying to conceive for the past 4 months now.I recently started taking folic caid tablets as was suggested to me by few of my friends.
For the past few days i have been having sharp pain in my boobs specially around the nipple area.It hurts on any kind of contact.I also have had some cramping and been a bit constipated.
Could it be because of the tablets that i am taking or could they be the early signs(which i doubt as i am just 6 days past O)?Also can they cause constipation sometimes?Did anyone experience any of these?should i stop taking these tablets?
Please Help!!