Tablet up your bum???


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2011
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What is this that they put up your bum after you give birth? Is it some sort of painkiller?? Didn't know anything about it til now :-?
I never had anything like that so I have no idea what your on about x
My friend said she had it but I didn't think to ask what it was for. Maybe not everyone has to have it. I just wondered coz I've never heard of it before
i didnt have it with DD either so this is a new one for me! Be interesting to find out what it is for especially if its a fairly new thing! xx
I've not heard anything about that... ??
Yep it's a painkiller. I had it after Jack. I had an episiotamy and forceps delivery so was pretty battered and bruised. I was offered the tablet up my bum and because I was completley exhausted after a 42hr labour plus I was numb from the epidural and I can't take tablets oraly at the best of times i told them to go for it! Never needed any painkillers afterwards! Mind you I think I must heal pretty well because I had my gall bladder out 4 months later and didn't have pain relief after that either! x
Its just a fast acting painkikller . I had it with my first and didnt notice until I read my notes it helped with the pain from stitches . I was offered it ith my second and they said it would be better as I may have vomited from shock and an oral apinkiller would be no use . They sometimes pop a finger up your bum too to make sure you havent torn right the way back .
Lol yeah the finger up the bum check is one they don't write about in books lol

* tapatalking from my bb *
this is the fastest way of getting a painkiller (or whatever the purpose of the tablet) into your system. much quicker than if you took it orally.
They never mentioned this in the parentcraft classes I have been going too and pain relief was one of the main topics! x
Thats what I mean I only learnt about it through a friend. They obviously don't like telling us EVERYTHING lol
our midwife told us they do it with every single natural delivery....ha ha...they pop a finger up to check that there are no tears up your bum and while doing it, they pop a very string painkiller up there....

my 2 friends who have just given birth said they didnt even notice but it said in their notes it had been there you go :)

I never had it, and I only had my LO last year, we had a text book birth but a retained placenta so maybe thats why.
Oh dear. I'm not good with bums. Hope I'm too out of it to notice!! You learn something new everyday!!! My parents live in France and apparently they are very found of 'rectal' medication there...
I had paracetomol up my bum after they stitched me up, apparantly it works quicker and lasts longer than orally, its to help with any pain or tenderness after, I think they normally give ibruprofen but I wasn't allowed that as I was on blood thinning injections, you barely notice them doing it esp after everything going on with the birth!!!
I've not given birth before but I've had a painkiller up the bum and they work super quick - the relief you get is worth the few seconds of "administration" ;)
Just tri hopping coz your title caught my eye lol. I,ve never heard of pain killers up the bum, and I didn't have any with the boys. You learn something new every day :)
I had it after natural birth - it was a Dicolfenac tablet (painkiller with anti-inflammatory) - they asked if I was happy to have it and I definitely was! It was brilliant, the midwife said that it is better than orally giving drugs as they last much longer and act quicker - im sure she said something about it lasting 16 hours but I can't be sure as was slightly distracted by my new baby!
Ah thats what it is pmsl i had it with dd1 remember them asking me and me asking what it was they just said suppository thats all, actually think it fell out not long after :S

Dont remember them doing it with dd2 tho she was all natural delivery whereas dd1 was a ventouse delivery with episiotomy xx
I had a natural delivery and have no idea if this happened or not :oooo:

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