Symptoms so soon?


Nov 13, 2009
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Hi all,

I am new here so firstly wanted to say hello :)

Okay, my husband and i started to try for a baby on Sunday (8th), the following day i began getting cramps, i still have them now but they are more noticeable.

Surely it is too soon for me to be getting symptoms? I know i was ovulating when we began trying, my period is due on the 21st.

Thanks for reading

x x x
It's unusual to get any symptoms until implantation (usually 7-10 days after ovulation) but ovulation could cause cramps - or have they been constant between then and now? Fingers crossed for you though, and welcome to the forum :wave:
Thanks for your reply!

The cramps have been constant ... very strange!

x x x
It could be ovulation pains that you're more aware of now that you're TTC and looking out for every little thing that's different (if you're as obsessive as the rest of us :lol:)
I'm not sure that's possible when you're TTC, as much as it's a nice idea :lol:

You'll soon realise when you start posting around here that everyone's the same and analysing every little thing, don't worry :rofl:
I can see why we analyse every little thing, glad its not just me then! :lol:

x x x
Welcome to Pregnancy forum and wishing you luck on your journey :)
itwas the month that I didn't get any symptoms that I was aware of at the time I got my :bfp: (although of course now looking back I can put the symptoms down to pregnancy :lol:) good luck xx
I never even realised I got O pains until I started TTC! I think you listen to your body much more closely when you are.

Good luck and here's some baby :dust:
I went to see my GP today and he ruled out a water infection and also looking at my cycle i have already ovulated, i still have no idea (neither did the GP) what these cramps are!

x x x

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