Symptoms maybe?


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2012
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Hi ladies :) I woke up about 4am this morning with a horrible taste in my mouth so decided to get up and brush my teeth, once I got the to bathroom I had this overwhelmiming queasiness like I was going to pass out so brushed my teeth and went back to bed, back up at 8 to get ready and I still feel a bit queasy but not unwell if that makes sense? My cycle is fairly messed up so not exaclty sure where I am at the month but not had a period since the middle of april and no sign yet! Not sure if I'm just over analysing :( x
Going to wait a few days to see if AF appears and if not I'll do a test x
you're good for waiting - I'm way to impatient, lol.

Maybe you won't need that docs appt after all ;)
Hehe its a nice thought :) I used to be a POAS addict and could never wait but I've learned to be patient xx
Little update, I got a headache half way through the day and then had a lie down when I came in, and within 10 minutes I was sick :( Felt a little better since being sick, but defo gonna test now, hopefully around Friday :) x
Just saw this- fingers crossed for u! Xx
Keeping my Fx but scared to get my hopes up incase we get disappointed! If I'm not pregnant I wish AF would just hurry up and appear so I'm on a new cycle lol x

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