Symptoms during ov??


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Hi Ladies,
Just wondered whether you get any symptoms around and during the time of ov?
Im really bloated, got a pain on my side and my left boob keeps going sensitive, could just be a coincidence that ov is due anyday now but thought id ask x x

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They're the ones I had to a T!
Felt bit crampy too and bubbly feeling x
Im definately crampy, if af hadnt of left the building just over a week ago, id be rushing to the toilet think she was here! x x

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Same symptoms for everything makes it all so confusing lol! Still it's the same equipment and hormones so I guess it's to be expected. Wish there were difference though!! Xx
Definetly confusing hunny, my opk later MIGHT be able to shed some light x x

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I hope im not deflated again by my stupid opks, well maybe that would help relieve this bloated feeling! :) x x

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Hi M2A

well, i ov'd on saturday and my symptoms up until then started on the Monday before.

I got really thick ewcm and cm for the days leading up to saturday. come friday i had really heavy sore boobs and also the occassional twinge down the left side of my tummy.

the other thing was that i was really frustrated and moody in the few days leading up to it. so like u say, similar to AF.

hope that helps xx
Thanks Ladies, ive just checked my cervix and its soft and quite high so i guess ive just got to wait and see x x

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Ive just been looking back at my cycle calendar and a few posts that i have made on here and when i would of ov'ed before this af and it was about the time that i thought i was pregnant after mc (sore boobs, bloated ect) so its all adding up now x x

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It's so nice when it all adds up! I'm piecing together previous frustrating times and getting answers. It really does take time all of this xxx
Whoever used to tell us you just get pregnant from having unprotected sex needs to visit pf and see all the hard work and time we put in :) x x

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Hi Hun,

The only symptom I trust at OV is, EWCM and high and open cervix as I can get cramps any time.

Hope this helps.

How long before actual Ov do you get the EWCM maybe baby?? xx
Hey M2A! as far as OV symptoms go the only one i had last month was the tiniest bit of EWCM and this was the day of surge i noticed.

I never get pains or twinges around OV, if this is it for you get BDing hun! :)

Good luck . x
I did my opk tonight and it was negative, since cd10 my lines have gone lighter then tonight there wasnt even one! Its confusing as my cervix is soft and high and has been since yesterday :confused: x x

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Just looked at that beautiful cervix website again - esperanza posted it on another thread - and the lady's show position and ewcm went on for ages before she said 'ovulation suspected!' which gave me hope! Could be right around the corner hun so keep testing :) in the meantime BD as much as possible cos you're in the fertile week! Ie it's the days before ov you ideally want xx
I don't half confuse myself with this CM and positioning of the cervix!!
I said yesterday I was relaxed and not using OPK's... Well shortly afterwards I decided to nip to the shops and bought some OPK's (Doh!!) - I suspected ovulation because I have had watery CM for 3 days now and last night i felt little twinges n cramps and incredibly moody... I also checked my ovulation predictor calendar and it reckons I'm due to ovulate on the 8th..
I was quite surprised at my OPK - I got the faintest line I've ever had!!! I presumed if I was due to ovulate then it would be quite dark now and the next ones get darker and darker then eventually become positive...!!

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