Symptoms/ Continued !


Oct 9, 2007
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and it was bright red blood and a lot of mucos. My period was`nt due till the following wed 26th, so i thought i`d done some damage as i`d just played a tennis match ! But no more bleeding followed, just a little brown discharge on wipeing for 2 days.I`d never really known about implantation bleeds until now! Then on wed 26th i did`nt start my period, nor have i had any bleeding since, but i`ve had period pains everyday, in various levels of discomfort ever since? I`ve also had some mild indegestion & nausea, and my food tastes metallic? I`m full of energy one minute and could crawl into bed the next, especially when this dizziness and faintness comes over me!And i`m fed up of these dull frontal headaches everyday. Three urine tests i`ve done have been negative, and 3 days after my sept26th period was due i begged the Dr to do a blood test which came back negative aswell ! But i am convinced that i am Pregnant or have a serious illness with all these strange symptoms? Any Answers anyone, Please ????
Wish i had some advice for you, just wanted to say that i hope you find out whats making you feel so bad soon i know how hard the waiting can be when you want to find out if your PG.

Good luck.
Have you done anymore tests? It sounds like you are pregnant. Maybe it was too early to show up when the doc did a blood test. It's been a couple more weeks now so something should show it.

Sus x
Thanks for your replies ladies. I`m still in limbo, as still neg tests. Used a clearblue digital one first at 2 weeks preg ( If luckily i am), and that was neg and blood test at Dr`s at 2 weeks ( same day as 1st urine test, as was having blood taken for something else that day anyhow, so asked kind GP to do a preg one aswell ). Did`nt know until later on that it usually only shows up + after 10 days post due period, not the 3 it was when i had it taken. Since then i bought those cheap one`s from B&M Bargains, 2 for £1, as wanted to do 1 a day ! Wish to save the other clearblue one for a def + so i can take a pic of it for posterity ! Any cheap but sensitive tests out there? Please advice !!!

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