Symptoms - can anyone help


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
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Have been feeling absolutely worn out for the past couple of weeks and needing to go to the loo so often that it was my DH who suggested that i might be pregnant! Also have slightly sore and enlarged breasts. Am due today so did a test this morning (actually I did 2!!!). Thought that there was a faint line in the positive section but not completely sure. Do these symptoms sound like they might be indicators or not - going crazy waiting for AF
does sound promising needing to pee alot is always a good one i went 3 times in an hour and my mate made me test lols
i hope these are symptoms for you, good luck!! x
Have you still got the tests hun? Post a piccie!

And the symptoms are pointing toward the right direction.. x
Thanks everyone!
Am going to try another test from a different company tomorrow. Spent so long visiting supermarkets today to get different ones that my DH texted to ask where i was LOL! Will let you know.
This is exactly what happened with me, I noticed my boobs got extremely sore and I needed to wee alot!! I got such a faint line on the pregnancy test I thought I was imagining it, went out next day and got a ClearBlue test and it confirmed I was indeed preggo! Hehe. Good luck xx
sounds like some positive symptoms I only really suffered from tiredness, spots and frequent trips to the toilet which I put down to a water infection when it was the beginning of a baby so I have my fingers crossed for u !!
it sounds like your pregnant yes, so maybe wait a few days and test again? the longer you are pregnant the more HCG there is to detect and the darker the line on the test will be :)
Oh get a clearblue test and test again

Good luck and Babydust :dust:
Hi Bean

It sounds v promising! I would get a CBD and test again in a few days if AF doesnt show.

Good luck :dust:

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