
Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2006
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So I was just wondering what other ladies at around 11 weeks symptoms where like. I have noticed mine are starting to calm down with the exception of my boob ache and constipation :rotfl:

How does everyone else feel?

Boobs tingly but still not much, sickness dying down a bit but I still can't smell cooked veg or Damien's jars :puke: Getting quite hungry and ;less tired but still need a nap.
Started to cramp quite bad now as bubs is moving up and out! SPD is coming back aswell :(
Oh yes, and I'm very hormonal :lol:
I feel hormonal at times very snappy! But alot of the time at present I am quite indifferent can't really be bothered d do much. Not functioning on my usual level where I want to do things all the time.

I usually like to watch asian films but I cant be bothered to do that either cause it involves reading subtitles :rotfl: so since I am off work I am bored alot and becasue I am so indifferent I cant think of a single thing I want to do!! :rotfl:
At 11 weeks I had hardly any symptoms left. Only sore BBs, no ms, not much else. My symptoms disappeared really early on. I was panicking at the time but in retrospect I guess I was lucky as my sis was hospitalised througout her pgs with hyperemesis. If I didn't know I was pregnant I would have thought my AF was on its way.
Ill be eleven weeks this week.
I *think* my tiredness is going abit. (well it has over the weekend) I hope it is as this has been my worst symptom. (litrally wanting to sleep day and night) I never suffered from morning sickness at all. BUT this week i have been sick twice on both occasions when ive had an emty stomach. So i dont know why thats starting now!! :evil:
My sleep through the night is still abit crappy. Ill wake at 4am to go the loo then wont be able to drop off again.
Getting period-like pains (some stightly different - a little sharper) this week. (ive had period pain like ones occasionaly all through my pregnancy)

on the whole feeling brighter tho.

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