Symptom Spotting - Yours?

star fish

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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I noticed from the testing thread that there are loads of us all due to test in about a week (give or take a day) and wondered if anyone had any symptoms?

I have none except a little bit of bleeding this morning, but since recent MC I'm not holding out hope that it means much as it wouldnt be the first time since then that i've had some random spotting. Actually though, I've found the tea (its boring old Tetley) has been tasting kind of aniseed flavoured yesterday and today. My husband says I'm imagining it. Do you think that could be a symptom?
Hey Star,

It could be you never know! Really hope it is :)

I'm not in the 2ww yet, but wishing you heaps of luck.

FX Star you're not out until AF arrives so :dust::dust::dust:to you.

I know said I wouldn't BUT I had no symptoms at all until last Friday afternoon/evening. Late afternoon I was getting ready to go out and started to get a sharp niggle on my left side. It niggled all night and was sharp enough to make me go oooooo a couple of times. Had to admit that I wondered if it was implantation so spent the night wishing it was a baby :roll: rather concentrating on the quiz. I thought AF had arrived that night but when I got hone there was lots of watery CM. Anyway I've had some more niggles over the weekend and I've felt tingley too.

Other than that no symptoms, no sore BB's which I normally get. Oh except last week I felt absolutely shattered but feel full of beans now. AF is due on Weds so if I'm late I'll test then.
good luck to you ladies testing soon....i shall be keeping a very close eye on you all :) and then you can keep a close eye on me soon too hopefully...

having to literally keep OH off me at the moment as i think i may be due to ov very 3 days...and we dont want to fall pregnant so soon after mc...but also we would be due around wedding day!!! ha having to wait, even though deep down i really dont want to, but i know its for the best

Im in 2ww. Im due to test in 6 or 7 days but Im unsure when AF is actually due! Ive had no symptoms what so ever so not holding out any hope. however, for 3 days Ive had horrid headache, super tired and cant stay awale, crying fits and in between I've had rage and snapped for no reason. Im putting it down to stress :( GL X
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yeah and so has mine im testing tuesday as AF due today or at latest tomorrow!!
iv got sore boobs, really tired, a headache now and then, at 5/6 dpo i had aching n pulling in my lower stomach/groin area and today i got heartburn for the first time in my life!!!!! i had to ask mum what it was :(
but i also got really sharp pains in my stomach too so i dont know what that was
good luck girls x x :dust:
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I'm going to test in 7 days but I'm confused as I seem to have some ewcm again today. Not as much as I had last Sunday but still???????? Anyway, I'm testing next Sunday. I've had some backache and a small amount of bloating xx
i have had lots of symptoms....of AF! :( done a FR test this morning (AF due on Wednesday) and bfn so i'm out. had a bit of a cry today, this is getting harder every month!

hope this is good for you ladies, sounds it :) xx
Awwwwwwww man tea tastes normal to me. I wish I had symptoms :lol:
the symptoms i had before my bfp in january were....sniffly nose and nails growing quicker than normal...thats it :) lol xx
i have had lots of symptoms....of AF! :( done a FR test this morning (AF due on Wednesday) and bfn so i'm out. had a bit of a cry today, this is getting harder every month!

hope this is good for you ladies, sounds it :) xx

the symptoms i had before my bfp in january were....sniffly nose and nails growing quicker than normal...thats it :) lol xx

I've been staring at my nails for 5 minutes now and nothing has happened! Dammit!
yeah and so has mine im testing tuesday as AF due today or at latest tomorrow!!
iv got sore boobs, really tired, a headache now and then, at 5/6 dpo i had aching n pulling in my lower stomach/groin area and today i got heartburn for the first time in my life!!!!! i had to ask mum what it was :(
but i also got really sharp pains in my stomach too so i dont know what that was
good luck girls x x :dust:

Woah! Those are all the symptoms I had when last pregnant, especially the heartburn and groin pain!

Though this flavoured tea is new
OOOh, Samsgirl, do you think it could actually be a symptom then?

Cherry, hun, I was massively tearful and grumpy just before I got my bfp, definitely hormones!

Positivity - I know how hard it gets, month after month after month :hug: but you cant give up! I like having you here and you mustnt quit! Just start counting how many days til your next ovulation and where you will be and make your OH start saving it up and stuff like that xxx

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