Swollen Thighs! Fluid Retention or Fat???


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2005
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Hi Girls,

I am due to give birth in 2 weeks..is it normal for my thighs and calves to be bigger than normal at this stage?? They seem full of cellulite and swollen! (I am not really worried about pre-eclampsia ort anything)...

Do you think they will go down after the birth??

Julia xxxxx
Mine are like this..its uncomfy to kneel now, they feel so puffy.
I keep telling myself its fluid....so I feel better :lol:
They are full of stretchers too...my bump has none, but my thighs and calves are covered!
Thanks ninjawomble,

I am REALLY hoping it is water.....I have been lucky and have no stretch marks (yet)!

It MUST be water/fluid because I have only noticed in the past week and I don't think fat would just suddenly appear just like that.

I am also finding it difficult to kneel due to puffiness!!

Julia xxxxx
Mine was all fluid. If I put my foot on the floor to get up off the sofa etc, then I could actually feel it pooling in my anckle... but my thighs, calves, feet, hands, arms, everything was full of fluid for atleast the month before my EDD, and two weeks after - I had a section, and was pumped full of fluid, so I guess that made it worse after the birth...

It was not nice, and uncumfy :hug: :hug: :hug:

Im not looking forward to that with the next one!
Don't panic, it sounds like it's just fluid.
I have it again this time round and had it when pregnant with my son.
My thighs just look covered in cellulite especially above my knees and if i push the skin down on my calves they look the same.
It goes away soon after giving birth!

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