

Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
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just wondering if feet, ankles and hands being swollen is normal?

it really uncomfortable, cant bend my right ankle properly cos of it
when did you last see the mw?? perhaps you should chk for high bp?
I have suffered from swollen feet, ankles and hands throughout my pregnancy and it has been quite uncomfortable. :(

I have always mentioned this to my midwife and she hasn't been to worried about it.

It is worth getting it checked out as these can be a sign of high blood pressure and pre-eclampsia. xxx
My ankles and feet swelled up in about week 36 and stayed swollen until after I had the baby. It's one of the things they look at in your post natal care.
Yes, you should definitely see the midwife about this. When you press the skin down, does it stay down for a while or does it pop straight back up? If it stays down for a bit, this can be another sign of pre-eclampsia.
I had VERY swollen feet and ankles in my third tri and I delivered 3 weeks early as I had pre-eclampsia. Your midwife can check your blood pressure and wee to see if they show any signs of pre-eclampsia too.
One of the less attractive parts of being pregnant! I had mutant feet!
I can't really say if I've got swollen ankles because I don't own ankles any more... just cankles.. :rotfl: But my toes and my ankle joint do ache... as do the joints in my wrists and fingers because of the swelling...

It's really noticable. I had it all the way through this pregnancy and my last although it's not till the last few weeks when it becomes uncomfortable and obvious...

Mention it to your mw next visit but try not to worry about it because I have always had extremely low bp despite all the swelling so its quite normal to have all this water retention without it being something as severe as pre eclampsia. If you start developing headaches and get little white spots in your eyes, then you should call your mw straight away... :)
hmm, last time i was there she said my blood pressure had crept up, and had headaches since the swelling has started so maybe my bp is a bit. im seeing her next monday, will see how it goes til then unless it gets too bad. thanks for the replies :)

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