

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2010
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Hello ladies :wave:

Right Swelling.. its just another one of those lovely pregnancy perks (as i sit with my feet in some cool water as they feel like they are on fire and ankles look like the size of tennis balls, infact cant even see my ankles as it has blended in with my calf so i now have cankles!!!)

I know its very common, but i was just wondering when can you tell the difference of just normal pregnancy swelling or when its something to worry about?

Any ladies got any tips on how to reduce swelling.. or is it just plainly feet up and rest??

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Cankles :rofl:

I read that drinking lots of water helps - that confused me cause I thought it would put more fluids in your body to cause swelling? But it's supposed to help :) Ohh and wear comfy shoes!

Tight socks can make it worse too I think, I wore pop socks alot at work :blush: (I hate wearing tights under trousers!!) and cause they were tight elastic round the top I found they made my ankles swell alot more than usual!

But I suppose the main thing is just to get some rest and get your feet up! Good excuse to tell OH to run about after you ;)

when you press your finger into your foot does it leave a hole that takes a wee bit of time to go back to normal? This is what is known as pitting edima (not sure if I have spelt correctly). Its a sign of severe swelling in pregnancy and tends to make the professionals monitor you more closely so as to rule out pre-eclampsia.

I don't think there is anything you can do once the fluid has kicked in, on the plus side, it tends to disappear as soon as the baby is born x
Raise your feet higher than your bum while sitting... when you go to bed put a pillow under them. Thats all i can suggest, no idea about anything else. xxx

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