swelling up :( wedding ring stuck


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2011
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ekkk my ankles and feet been swelling up for the last 2 weeks or so.
but was in the bath lastnight and my finger was itchy, so moved my eternity ring to find it all swollen and a big like grove (the shape of the ring).
so managed to get my eternity and engement ring off. (they are hollow underneath) but my wedding ring is stuck! i tried liqid soap etc but its round my joints have got fat.
even this morning i cant get it off. i was thinking its not hurting there is a little bit of room (not as much as there was) just waiting until this cut/swelling has gone down and then take my ring off. or should i just go to hospital and have it cut off?
Any jeweller can cut it off for you hun but that's your last resort, it's expensive to get it fixed. Sit with ice on your finger and your hand resting on your shoulder for an hour, then put liquid soap or butter on it and see if it comes off. Hold your hand straight up whilst you do it. Good luck xxxxxxxxx
Oh and tell someone where you have put your rings just in case you forget (I did that lol) xxxxxxxxx
ive googled ring removal for swollen fingers and one thing was they call catterpiller removal. tried that but it got stuck again on my joint. now all red and swollen again.
gonna have to leave it for a while i think. cause the cut still hurts and still swollen. :(
As babybrain said keep it cold and elevated and should come off. I had to take mine off I cooled it under tap and used washing up liquid.

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baby brain, i know my other 2 are on my dressing table. i have a jewllery box and think im gonna put them in there. but im gutted about my wedding ring.
As long as you can move the ring it should be ok, just make sure you can dry the skin underneath. Wedding rings curve slightly inwards and trap water which can make the skin rot underneath. Sounds bad but it's nasty if it happens xxxxxxxx
u should have seen it lastnight. red and yucky. i wont upload that pix.lol
Ouch, that looks well sore :(

Mine started to get stuck a while back so had to take them off, I migrated them to my necklace :)

In respects to getting them off, I stuck my hand in some vegetable oil was gross but it worked, I say maybe wait for the swelling to go down first of you can though, possibly run under a freezing cold tap first...
i can move it round and up and down. but not past the joint.
more i mess with it more it hurts. so might leave it for a few days and hope it will settle. just found out local jewlers cost £5 to cut it off.
If you have it cut off wait a few weeks after LO is born to have it resized and repaired hun. I used to repair jewellery and wouldn't resize them when women were still pregnant xxxxxxx
i wouldnt want it made bigger, as it was a tad bit to big when i wasnt pregnant.
im just gutted its happend, i really dont want it cut off.
I know hun, personally I would wait a few days if you can stand it. Might be worth having your cut looked at to rule out any infection that's making the swelling worse xxxxxxxx
I hope you get it sorted, you poor thing. You finger looks really sore!

Fingers crossed you can get it off soon without having to resort to having it cut off x
only hurts when i mess around trying to get my ring off.
the cut is clean. i put germaline and plaster on lastnight just to protect it. and prob do the same when im at home later. think will wait until the cut is healing and see if i need to take ring off then.
its off.
cling film wraped round finger quite tight, the then vaseline to lube it.

made up didnt have to get it cut off.

now my figner feels naked 3 rings down to none.

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