Sweeps & clary sage oil!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2009
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Hey girls,
Hope everyone is okay and not too uncomfortable!!

Well, iv got a question..just wanted your opinions really.

Im 37 weeks on sunday, and i have rib seperation, and muscle problems in my stomach on the right at the top, and i am in constant agony, i cant sleep and eating feels like a chore!!
So, i was wondering...do you think if i asked my midwife for a sweep, she would agree?

Not only for that reason, but also because i went 9 days overdue with my son, and i just cannot go overdue woth this 1 because as soon as september hits, there will be nobody to watch my son for me whilst im in hospital. Which is making me very stressed!!

So do you ladies reckon if i put forward my reasons,she might give me one? She seems very down to earth.
I dont see her til the 11th so il be over 37 weeks which is classed as fullterm.

Another question, anybody had any expiriences with clary sage oil???

You never know, she might, but I asked my mw for a sweep @ 37 and she said there wasn't much point as there is research to say that it was most effective @ 10 days overdue and she wouldn't even consider it til then :(

As for the clary sage, lots of women say they find it very relaxing etc, but it made me feel lightheaded and drunk. Didn't like the feeling at all. Everyones different tho :)
you could ask. My hospital has a big poster up saying that they will not induce prior to your due date for social reasons or for general pregnancy discomfort. Then it goes on to tell us that pelvic pain etc... is part of normal pregnancy and will not be considered a medical reason for an early induction :(

But, I dont know much about your problems with your ribs, fingers crossed it will be a good enough reason. Im not sure if a sweep counts as 'induction' either...
I doubt if they will, community midwives have protocol to follow - mine wouldnt do one before term until the consultant requested it. Its something to do with the possibility that the head might not be engaged and so risking cord prolapse if they accidently broke your waters. Can you get a referral to a consultant, they would do it for you, they started mine at 38 weeks although it didnt do anything because the head was too high - still was yesterday and that was my due date! :)
I had one on my due date with the consultant and my midwife is giving me another tomorrow. I have heard of people having them before for medical reasons though.
Thanks for the replies girls!

Well i had had enough yesterday and phoned my dr, hopin she may be able to move the baby so hes not constantly in one posistion, and she was surprisingly nice! Said that if i get to the point where i really cannot cope anymore, we'd be looking at a section or induction!! She sent me for a blood test and the resultd will be discussed on wednesday with my

She did say she didnt think there would be anythin abnormal in my blood, its jus incase, but im hoping that my midwife will be as nice on wednesday, iv got a little boy and just moved into my own place so im findin it soo difficult to cope.
She also prescribed me some codeine, which she told me to take only if the pain got horrendous..iv taken 5 since 6pm yesterday...not even taken the edge off!!

Bloody hell, the things we go thru eh!?


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